Who out there over the age of say, 13, hasn’t had their heart broken by someone breaking up with them? I would venture to say, no one. It happens…
When a horse starts his training, he's afraid to pull 25 pounds, when in fact he has the power to pull 9000 pounds. But he doesn't know it. He has…
There’s nothing more annoying than going through a supermarket parking lot. All you want to do is park, go in, get your Rocky Road ice cream, and…
Is there a person in your life in whose presence you're not You? A person in whose presence you have to watch what you say, what you do, what you…
When I was 17, I prayed for Greg Kracy to like me and ask me to the prom. Greg Kracy did neither.
When I was 21 and pregnant with my first…
While talking to my brother some years ago, he shared that November had been quite a trying month of one unfortunate event after another. First, a…
So often we hold onto beliefs based on something we heard as a child, or from something we heard on the news, or even from something someone said…
There are so many that run through your minds, every day--too many too count. A lot of them are negative; so negative in fact, they ruin your day…
If they did, everyone with lots of things and money would be the happiest people in the world. But they’re not. My husband has the opportunity to…
Somewhere along the way, people have gotten the idea that they’re not enough; that they’re missing a piece; and that without that piece they’re…
Being blind isn't just a physical condition that affects the eyes. In fact, there is a worse kind of blindness—ignorance, selfishness, prejudice,…
You walk into the Masquerade Ball outfitted in vibrant blue; a green, yellow, and purple Mask over your face, making you unrecognizable. You snake…
Sometimes our plans just don’t work out. In fact, sometimes something so unexpected happens, it throws us completely off the track.
And yes…
What you say: “Everything’s fine!” What you’re thinking: I’m about to lose my job and just had a fight with my son.
What you say: “…
“Trees in winter lose their leaves. Some trees may even fall during storms, but most stand patiently and bear their fortune.
They endure…
You come home tired from work, drop your keys in a bowl, and check your phone messages. As you mindlessly listen to a host of insistent…
When I was 17-years-old, my parents asked me to go with them to the market. Preferring to stay home, I resisted. It didn’t do much good, though. I…
When I was in my mid twenties, I went to see the movie Staying Alive. At that time, John Travolta had a six-pack instead of one. The movie was…
The Buddha asked a Shramana, "How long is the human life span?"
He replied, "A few days."
The Buddha said, "You have not yet…
My husband and I have had a running argument about “Snoozing.” He’s a true Snoozer. When the alarm goes off in the mornings, he hits the snooze…
These are the people who go around talking about all the bad things that are going on (i.e., the molestations, the mass shootings, the train…
“When you wish upon a star Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires Will come to you..."
I think most…
Recently, the topic of being a People Pleaser (PP) came up in a group discussion. I thought it would be an important topic to address since…
While we all know how to talk, few of us know how to communicate effectively. We either lack communications skills, or rarely communicate at all…
Recently I watched an episode of Friends on Netflix. It was the one where Monica’s identity is stolen. She starts analyzing her credit card bills…
Smart phones have easily become the new drug of choice. Look around. If Smart phones and texting were a disease, we’d be calling it a pandemic…
I think we can all agree on the fact that we love to eat! It’s what we do, not only to keep on living, but to celebrate anything, from a…
$86,400 -- Something To Think About!
Imagine that you won the following prize in a contest: Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400.00…
Have you ever been on the freeway, when all of a sudden, without warning, every car starts to slow down? The fact is, we all have. The reason…
Some years ago, a daughter and mother had a fight. Not an uncommon scenario. In this story, however, the daughter was so angry that she told her…
THE JUKE BOX SITS IN THE CORNER. It is the first thing you see when you wake up in the morning. The first thing you hear. This morning it’s…
I was talking to a friend who told me that she and her family were going on a cruise. She then proceeded to tell me that the cruise line had…
Have you ever been panning for gold? It is the oldest and simplest way to extract gold.
I see all of you as having an abundance of gold…
A few years back, I was excited to attend the launch of Gregg Hurwitz’s new novel, Don’t Look Back, at Book Carnival in the city of Orange. Gregg…
Have you ever paid someone a compliment for being pretty? Or perhaps someone has remarked on how beautiful or good-looking you are. The response…
Wow! No fortune? Bummer!
Maybe. Maybe not!
A while back, we decided to get lunch from Pick Up Stix. One of the things to which we…
When my grandchildren were younger I would watch as they get their pictures taken before heading off to their First Day of school. I began to…
A few years back, I was at CVS looking for a pen. My favorite pen, the Gel Paper Mate, was out. I was bummed; I really love the smoothness of how…
“What elephant?” The elephant in the room is that THING—that large issue of which everyone is acutely aware, but of which not a word is said. It’s…
It’s morning—another beautiful day lies ahead. At least it starts out that way. Your night was restful. You feel refreshed, but it’s short lived…
Take a look at this couple. Pretty typical, I'd say. I often see people on their phones at restaurants as well as in homes, where families are…
How are you feeling today? Comfy? Most of us are, for the most part. We generally do nothing that causes us to feel fear or excitement. Nothing…
If you immediately started thinking about that pair of boots you’ve been meaning to throw out, but keep thinking you’re going to wear one day, or…
When my son Josh was a young boy, he would try and stare at the sun. Then he'd complain about how his eyes hurt. We would stay, "Stop looking at…
Everyone has a "bad" event occur at some point--during the day, the week, the month, etc. But some of you allow the “bad” event, whatever it may…
Thaddeus Thomas didn't see it coming. He knew his wife had a temper, but he didn't expect to die because of it.
In May 21, 2014, Toya…
Have you ever noticed that the more you try to control a situation that's out of your control, the more frustrated you become? That's because you…
Is there something you've been wanting to do, accomplish? Something for which you've always longed? Yet despite your fervent desires, there seems…
My husband and I, in an effort to be proactive, made a list of all the things we had to do around the house, (i.e., repairs, cleaning, de-…
Borghild Dahl was born practically blind. She had only one “working” eye. I use the term working loosely, because her one eye was covered with…
A while back, I was at Trader Joe's paying for my groceries. The checker, a young woman in her twenties, was making small talk. "Did you find…
When I was working on my B. A. many moons ago, my husband, Joe, got laid off. I was beside myself with worry. How would I finish with no money for…
So there are the “Beautiful” people, the “Not So Beautiful” people, and the “Less Than Not So Beautiful” people. The NSB people, and the LTNSB…
When I was in my 30’s and 40’s, I used to look up to an actor and motivational speaker named Richard Hatch. I thought he was incredible and I…
Most of you are familiar with padded cells. You've probably seen them in a movie scene at some point. The "insane" person who's usually not really…
On Sunday morning you’re awakened by the sound of a large truck. Groggily, you look out your window and see a huge moving van. The house next door…
When I was in high school, just a sweet girl of 17, my dad let me drive the car to school. Looking back now, I seriously don’t know how we made it…
Most of us want to accomplish something; do something that will make us feel successful in life. But sometimes the steps to get there seem…
When you what? When you finish school? When you get a better paying job? When you've paid off that loan? When you have a bigger house? When your…
I have a little wooden rooster that sits on a step stool in the kitchen. I’ve had it for years. Unfortunately, dogs, kids, people, mops, etc.,…
“ . . . nobody wants a phony. Nobody ever wants a counterfeit coin.” ~Paul Boynton
It’s often said that imitation is the greatest…
Recently, I switched purses to a cross-body because I was going to be doing a lot of walking and didn't want to keep adjusting the ******** my…
But does it have to be?
I’ve heard this phrase often. Someone tells me about a situation they’re in, and then follow it with, “It is what…
I don’t know of any human, animal, or thing that does not show signs of aging with the passage of time. It’s an indication of life. Of life…
Do you want to feel happy, full of joy, satisfied? It’s quite simple—GIVE!
There’s nothing more uplifting than Giving, providing support to…
Illusions! They seem so real, don't they? That's why you believe them. That's why magicians can captivate and hold an audience's attention. They…
You all do it! Worry, that is. You all entertain those thoughts, images, or emotions, usually negative in nature, about some potential catastrophe…
Scrolling through YouTube, I happened to see a video of the starling murmuration. I was enthralled, amazed, in awe, that anything like that was…
“I’m going to write my paper, on Monday.” “I’m going to start my diet, on Monday.” “I’m going to quit smoking, on Monday.” “I’ll…
A while back, I was talking to a friend of mine who’d been working a food truck at a golf tournament. They were the only truck around where anyone…
The three most important words to say! The three hardest words to say! The three words most taken for granted! The three words…
Has that ever happened to you? Where a feeling rushes over you like some kind of warning? It does to everyone. You're about to say or do something…
The Stolen Lap Top, Part II
We made our way to the gate, all the while my eyes scanning the airport. A part of me was still hopeful I’d see…
The Stolen Laptop, Part I
Several years back, I went to South Carolina with my son and grandson to visit family. Because I wanted to be…
So often I’ve heard people say, “If I had money, all my problems would be solved.” Or, “If I won the Lotto, I’d be able to help so many people.”…
Finding a four-leaf clover has been considered a source of good luck. Unfortunately, the chances of that are estimated at 1 in 10,000. This cute…
Or more realistically, “Until you do something I don’t like.”
A while back, I attended the beautiful wedding of a young couple in their…
You are the Pilot of Flight #727. Everyone and everything that needs to be on that flight, is. Everything is loaded and ready to go. The control…
Recently I had a conversation with a young woman who told me she had an interest in someone but was afraid to ask him to hang out. When I asked…
Client had a recent situation come up with her BF and it upset her enough that we needed to address it today. Her BF went to dinner with a friend…
Dot-Marie Jones is a woman. At first glance, however, if you're not paying close enough attention, you might think she's a man.
I first saw…
A criminal committed a crime. (Because hey, that’s what criminals do.) Anyway, he was sent to the king for his punishment. The king told him he…
“Mary Jane” has been an excellent employee most of her life. She has worked hard, has gone above and beyond the call of duty, traveled three weeks…
You’re getting ready to go out, and step in front of the mirror. Sadly, that’s when the dissection begins. You immediately focus on:
• The…
Sometimes when someone doesn't accept you, or like you for one reason or another, you might think it's you, that if you were different they'd see…
DO YOU SAY YES WHEN YOU REALLY WANT TO SAY NO? If you're nodding your head, then you're not alone. It's not uncommon for many of you to say Yes to…
They’re inevitable! Often during your Life’s Journey, you will come to that proverbial Fork in the Road. And it won’t be just once; it will show…
In the 1983 Stephen King film, Cujo, there’s a scene where a mother (Dee Wallace) and her little boy (Danny Pintauro), are trapped in a broken…