The "Fortune-less" Fortune Cookie!


Wow! No fortune? Bummer!

Maybe. Maybe not!

A while back, we decided to get lunch from Pick Up Stix. One of the things to which we look forward is cracking the fortune cookie open at the end of our meal, and reading our fortune out loud. If it’s good, we get excited and dream about the wonderful thing that’s going to happen. If it’s not, we assume the fortune should have been the other person’s.

In this case, however, there was NO fortune. It was an actual “fortune-less” cookie. First time in my life being the recipient of an empty cookie. At first, I was a tad disappointed. I’d been cheated! Now I wouldn’t know what great thing was going to happen to me. And then I thought about it a little bit more.

Life doesn’t guarantee a thing. We wish we could get news of fantastic things that are going to happen to us just by breaking open a cookie, but that’s not the case. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that this fortune-less cookie I got actually had the potential for not just one fortune, but for many. I wasn’t tied down to reading, “You’re going to meet someone very important next week!” No, I could create my own fortune. Maybe I would make it so that I would meet more than one great person next week. Perhaps even this week.

By being the creator of our own fortune, a million different doors open up to us.

I see the fortune-less cookie as a metaphor for life. We can be the creators of our own fortunes. Why wait for someone to tell us what that’s going to be? In a way, that’s how we get cheated—by letting someone determine our fortune.

It’s time we crack our lives open, and explore the many possibilities that exist for us. Let’s not get married to just one thing. Fortunes abound. All we have to do is create one for ourselves. Or maybe two? How about three?

Let's create as many as we want. The world is our cookie!


Here's the fortune I received recently, and I turned it into a pledge:


So true. As hundreds of millions of people buy their Power Ball tickets for tomorrow night's 1B jackpot, I wonder how many have noticed Power Ball's slogan on its payslip: "Believe in something bigger."

What that brings to my mind is we should believe in something bigger than a huge lottery win--not that a sizable win wouldn't be amazing. Maybe the something bigger is Yourself with all the seen and seen treasures we already possess but take for granted daily.


Beautifully said. I've often heard that people who win the lottery end up losing it all within a few months or year. It doesn't bring the happiness they imagined it would. Not that having money isn't a great thing; it sure helps with day to day living, but there is something BIGGER out there. What if we put our faith in that?

Well Street

Before reading your article, I don't know if I'd ever view an empty fortune cookie as a symbol of optimism and "sky's the limit" type thinking. I will now, though.

Thank you!