Civic Center
There Are None More Blind Than...

Being blind isn't just a physical condition that affects the eyes. In fact, there is a worse kind of blindness—ignorance, selfishness, prejudice, aggression, self-entitlement, injustice. This blindness is worse because it fails to recognize that we are all part of the human experience, and in this life together. That blindness fails to see that we are all interconnected; that what you do to someone else, you do to yourself.
Take off the blindfolds. Look! Really see that we are all taking part in the same game, that we are not alone, or superior to anyone else.
Next time you have the opportunity look at someone, really see them. You are looking at a reflection of yourself—the heartbeat, the breaths, the blood of life—all working together to sustain life. All our lives.
If everyone took off their blindfolds and really saw what's right before them, Life would be unlike anything we've ever known.
So start with you! Lift the veil that blinds you—whatever that may be—and let that vision touch everyone with whom you come in contact. The results will be amazing.
Well said truth!
Awesome post. Insightful and so true.
I actually had a grandfather who was blind. I loved him. I used to sit on his lap, and he told me how pretty I was. I couldn’t understand. I asked my mother. “How can he know I’m pretty if he is blind?” She explained that he could feel my face, and feel my beauty. She also explained that inner beauty showed through, also. Sometimes it is really hard for me to see a hard core addict begging on the street. I feel more anger than empathy. I’m not sure who I’m angry at….the beggar or the system? All I know, is chances are, my blind grandfather would probably have given him money if he had called out in need.
Such a precious man and sweet story all the way around.