Civic Center
"I Love You!"

The three most important words to say!
The three hardest words to say!
The three words most taken for granted!
The three words needed to be said most!
“I Love You” can be one of the most complicated phrases known to man. There are people who feel it, but can’t say it. There are people that long to hear it, but don’t. There are people who say it often, but lack the genuine feeling behind it. And there are people who want to say it, but find it so difficult, it gets stuck in their throats. So let’s take a look at the whys.
WHY are they the three most important words? Because it lets your loved ones know how you feel; it can make him/her feel cared for, secure, and warm and fuzzy all over. It’s a powerful way to communicate what you already do to show it.
WHY are they the three hardest words to say? There are people who feel the love deeply, but can’t utter the words if their lives depended on it. Perhaps because they feel that saying “I love you,” opens them up, makes them vulnerable. That’s scary for a lot of people. So the real issue is not the inability to say the words, but the fear of vulnerability. The truth, however, is that being vulnerable closes the gab between you and your loved one. That’s how you get to really know someone.
WHY are they the three words most taken for granted? Because in some cases, it’s so overused that sometimes it’s missing the substance. Say it as often as you feel it, but feel it. Be mindful of what you’re saying, and why.
WHY are they the three words needed to be said most? Because there’s a love drought. No matter how much love there is out in the world, the world can always use more. But BEWARE: Saying I love you is also a way to manipulate. “If you loved me, you’d….” “I’m doing it because I love you!” “If you love me like I love you, you wouldn’t/would….” Or how about the guy who wants to get the girl? Yeah, he’ll tell her anything she wants. If she’s hungry for love, and he’s hungry for her, “I love you,” will slip off his tongue like melted butter. And she’ll buy it.
“I Love You”—if you feel it, say it. If you say it, mean it. It is, after all, what makes the world go around.
Next time you see someone you really love, tell him or her. If you don’t hear it, give it. Eventually you’ll hear it back. And if it’s stuck in your throat, cough it up! Someone will be very glad you did!
I Love You!
This is a beautiful article. "I love you" is uplifting, soothing, and even healing whether you hear it or say it. It costs nothing but gives so much. I love you!
Absolutely! It's important to express the words as well as the actions of love.
Well Street
Thank you for this thought-provoking article. I've read it a few times, and I'm feeling grateful for the abundance of love in my life and how openly it's expressed in my family.
I agree, love and hugs are the best!
I say, hugs and love all around!
You have a wonderful family. I am fortunate as well and am happy to tell my family and friends, "I love you!" often!
Thanks for the love fest. The beauty of saying these words has its purpose and its personal benefits: what we put out comes back to us. There's never a downside.
I love you a bushel and a peck! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️