The Last Words...


Some years ago, a daughter and mother had a fight. Not an uncommon scenario. In this story, however, the daughter was so angry that she told her mother to F*** off! Minutes later, her mother was hit by a car and killed. That daughter—the client of one of my colleagues—never quite got over the fact that those were the last words to her mother. I’m certain that she was haunted forever by those angry words, and wished she could have said I love you instead.

Every one of us has been in arguments with a loved one at one point or another. And perhaps harsh words have been said. Regrettable words, even. Once said, they can never be taken back. The good news is that in most cases, amends can be made. Words are said, apologies are made, and most of the time all is right with the world.

But that’s not in all cases. We don’t know when our words will be our last. Let’s work on being mindful of what we say, when we say it, and to whom. Speak from the heart. Let the words you utter come from a place of love. Whatever you say will stay behind. And even if it doesn’t affect the person to whom the words are intended, it has the capacity to affect you.

When you speak, know that your words are being heard, that they may be your last, so do your best to make them good, caring, and genuine.


So true. Speaking from your heart is always safe; speaking from an insane mind is never safe. Words also boomerang, so be careful what you put out, it might just come back.


Yes, exactly! And sometimes they come back at us worse than they went out.