Civic Center
The Spark!

When I was in my mid twenties, I went to see the movie Staying Alive. At that time, John Travolta had a six-pack instead of one. The movie was about dancing—jazz dancing. I fell in love. When the film was over, I told my then boyfriend, “One day I’m going to take lessons and learn how to dance like that.” His response, “Why one day? Why not now?” That was all I needed to fuel the spark that had been lit.
The next day, I started calling dance studios. On one of my calls, I spoke with a woman in a Redondo Beach dance center who, when I told her why I was calling, told me it was her son who’d helped with the choreography of Staying Alive. The very next day I signed up for dance classes. That was the beginning of 11 years of some of the most fun I’ve ever had.
Another example is my son John who, while watching a commercial late one night, saw an advertisement for a career in graphic design. That little spark got him motivated enough to register for school and complete the graphic design program. Now he is a successful graphic designer.
The spark can show up at any time: on a billboard, a commercial, a call from a friend, a flyer, a business card posted on a cork-board in a restaurant, etc. No one knows how the spark will come, but it will.
Your task is to pay close attention so that when the Spark gets lit, you are ready to take the next step. Don’t wait until “one day” like I was going to do; do it as soon as you can. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to start your grand adventure!
A good reminder that to get the good things in life, you have to take the action and go after it.
That's exactly right!