Civic Center
The Stranger and the Flower!

When I was 17-years-old, my parents asked me to go with them to the market. Preferring to stay home, I resisted. It didn’t do much good, though. I still had to go. Once there, however, I took a stand and decided to wait in the car. I was already in a sour mood, and no way was I going to tag along while they did groceries. So, I stayed put. I’d make them sorry they’d brought me along.
Within minutes, a car pulled up and parked next to our AMC Ambassador. The driver, a young guy in his early 20’s, got out, looked at me, and said, “Smile, it can’t be that bad.”
I’d been warned hundreds of times, “DON’T TALK TO STRANGERS,” so I made sure my doors were locked, and my windows rolled up. By now, I was wishing I’d gone into the store, too. For all I knew, this guy was some psycho who went around preying on Girls-Sulking-In-Cars.
It wasn’t too long after The Stranger’s remark, that he returned. Not only was he armed with a grocery bag, but also with a little potted flower, which he offered me. I was torn. Did I roll down the window and take the flower, or just look away and pretend I didn’t see him?
Throwing caution to the wind, I decided to roll down my window—only enough to fit the little potted plant—and took it, thanking him as I did so. He smiled, got back in his car, and left. I was so touched, that my heart just opened up. I don’t remember now what I told my parents about the gift once they got back, and it’s not important to the story. What I do remember, to this day, is the feeling that rushed through me from that act of kindness.
Another example of a Random Act of Kindness happened at the Vet’s office. I took my then dog, Vinnie, to the pet hospital to get his rabies shot. It was necessary in order to renew his license. The cost was going to be $22.00 (it was a lot for me at the time). While there, the girl who assisted me said, “Oh, Vinnie doesn’t need another shot. He’s up to date.” Wink! The tech was by no means a dishonest young woman. In fact, she was a very kindhearted soul who knew Vinnie was 10-years-old, and stayed indoors 99% of his life. The chance of him contracting rabies, was probably the same as him starting in the movie Cujo. She did Vinnie and me a favor. Not only did he not have to get a shot, she saved me some money.
How little it takes to make someone’s day better and more pleasant. A simple, unexpected act is all that’s needed. Its effects can linger in our hearts forever.
As you go through your day, pay attention, and see in what areas you can make someone’s life brighter, and more joyful. It’s easier than you think!
I try to keep myself open to seeing kindness opportunities. It's amazing how good it feels. It's the kind of thing I reflect upon and feel good all over again. And usually, it's just a small thing that brings a big return. Thanks!
It's amazing how big small acts can be. We just need to keep our eyes peeled!
A sweet lesson that good things can happen when you listen to your parents--even when you're opposed to whatever they're making you do.