Civic Center
Things Don't Equal Happiness!

If they did, everyone with lots of things and money would be the happiest people in the world. But they’re not. My husband has the opportunity to work with people that have lots of money, things, mansions, and fancy cars. He installs their elevators. Repeatedly, he tells me how they behave entitled, are rude, and the last ones to pay for services rendered. Now, I’m not saying that all people with lots of money, things, mansions, and fancy cars are bad people—he has also met a lot of really nice, kind people in his line of work. What I am saying, is that just because someone has an abundance of things doesn’t make them happy. Often when they get the “thing” they want another one takes its place. It’s a revolving door.
So, what does equal happiness? Rich connections with people. Fulfilling relationships. Also, happiness is being content with what you have, making the most out of your situation, and looking at the bright side of things. Simply being happy to just BE. Happiness is created internally. If you are happy, the feeling oozes out, and touches everyone you meet.
It’s okay to want Things. But don’t let your happiness be contingent on those Things. Things come and go. They can be had one minute and lost the next. So hinging your happiness on your stuff can be quite precarious.
Be happy just Being. It’s all you have in this journey. When you leave, you won’t be taking your Things with you. You’ll just be remembered for what you left.
Perfectly said.
So true. The more people learn to see the bright side and find the silver lining, the more relaxed they become. And if people were to stop feeling like they need to keep up with the joneses, there would be fewer people shopping for things and more people appreciating those things they already have.
That's right. And the thing is no one is taking anything with them when they go meet their Maker!
Well Street
I've worked with a number of unhappy millionaires who felt burdened by their accumulation of stuff. One told me he longed for his college days when he could do his favorite thing—spend time with friends.