Civic Center
"I'll Start on Monday..."

“I’m going to write my paper, on Monday.”
“I’m going to start my diet, on Monday.”
“I’m going to quit smoking, on Monday.”
“I’ll give my dad a call, on Monday.”
“We’ll start spending more family time, on Monday.”
“I’m going to start reading my new book, on Monday.”
Does this sound familiar? It appears that Monday is the Magical day on which to start any project or endeavor, isn’t it? But is it, really? Or is it just another way of Procrastinating?
Think about it, Monday is just a day. It just happens to follow a weekend. In reality, each day follows two days. So why the wait? Usually people say they’ll start on Monday because it’s something they don’t really want to do, but feel they should, or it’s something they consider too overwhelming, or uncomfortable. The thing is, no matter how long you wait, it will still be something you don’t want to do, or something you find overwhelming, and uncomfortable. The longer you postpone it, however, the worse the task before you appears. And if you do happen to start it, chances are you won’t follow through. Postponing something that can be done Today is just a way of avoiding it. And if you’re avoiding it now, you’re more than likely not fully committed to whatever it is you’re going to start. So find out why that is.
Waiting until Monday is also a way to self-sabotage. If there’s something you need to do, WAITING is just like adding another brick to a block wall that keeps you from getting what you want. So maybe you don’t really want it. Or maybe you’re creating an obstacle because you’re unsure of yourself, or are on some level, avoiding success. Do you hear yourself say, “I work best under pressure?” Or, “I can start fresh tomorrow.” All procrastination techniques.
The day you start something is the day you begin your Journey. It can be any day of the week; it doesn’t have to be on Monday. That’s just a psychological mind game people play with themselves.
The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll get the results you want. Don’t wait for Magical Monday. The Magic exists every day of the week. When you’re about to utter those famous last words, stop yourself. Instead say, “I’ll START Today!
Serenity Township
Excellent post and so true!
Point taken. There's no time like the present so why wait for the future? Great post, thanks!
Well Street
Every gym on the planet is most crowded on Mondays because that's when everyone is turning over a new leaf and starting their fitness efforts anew. By Thursday, the crowds have thinned significantly, at least until the following Monday.
Part of the appeal of procrastination is the momentary dopamine release that comes with releasing ourselves from responsibility, only to have to face the music later.