Civic Center
If Worrying Were a Currency, You'd All Be Rich!

You all do it! Worry, that is. You all entertain those thoughts, images, or emotions, usually negative in nature, about some potential catastrophe that might happen (although it rarely ever does). You actually think that by “worrying” you might prevent whatever it is from happening. Guess what? It won’t! Worrying won’t do a thing accept maybe cause break outs, lack of sleep, stomach problems, anxiety, maybe even panic attacks. So why worry so much?
In some cases, worrying is associated with caring. “If I worry, it means I care; it’s not a bad thing!” I’ve actually had someone say that to me. Worrying might also be perceived as a way to stop the threat of the potential THING from happening. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Here’s an example: suppose your son texts you at 2:00 a.m. When you last talked to him, he’d been at a bar drinking. Now you’re up worrying because it’s 2:30 a.m. and he’s still not home. You’re worried sick. You toss and turn and imagine the worst-case scenarios. Can you change anything? Can you make him get home safely? Can you assure he won’t crash? The answer, of course, is no.
If worrying is about things you have to get done, and you think that by worrying you won’t forget, then again, you’re wasting time. Precious time. Not to mention, risking an ulcer.
So what can you do to stop the Worry Frenzy?
1) Ask yourself, “Does the problem about which I’m worried have a solution? If not, set the worry aside.
2) Stay in the Now. Usually worrying is about something that might happen in the future. When or if the Thing happens, you’ll know what to do.
3) Write things down. Get them out of your head; that way you can be free to deal with present time, and assure that you won’t forget whatever it is you need to do.
4) If you must worry, set aside some time. Decide you’ll worry for the next 10 minutes, and then be done. Whatever happens, happens.
5) Stop playing the “What If” game. You can ask What If about almost anything. So much wasted energy. You can actually make yourself crazy.
6) Stay away from Drama Queens; they tend to add fuel to the fire; it’s fun for them.
If there is something that you can do about a possible impending thing, then do it. You don’t need to worry, just take an action. Work on solving whatever the problem is; that’s more effective than worrying. If there’s nothing you can do, then why worry?
Oh so true. I love the tips; all good to remember before getting too far down the rabbit hole.
Yes, stay away from the rabbit hole!!!
Present Valley
These are all practical do-able stand alone or together tips.
I often wonder how much "found time" we would all have in our day if we worried less.
Thanks for the reminders.
Why don't you try and find out. Starting today, put all the worries aside. Anything over which you don't have any control. If it comes into your mind, immediately dismiss it. See how you feel by the end of the day. Let me know how it works out.
Well Street
"The degree to how much I worry is the degree to which I care." You're so right in that it's completely illogical, but who among us can't relate to that flawed reasoning?
Putting pen to paper and getting my concerns out is a strategy that's helped me when I've gotten myself tied in knots.