Civic Center
The Clutter in Your Closet!

If you immediately started thinking about that pair of boots you’ve been meaning to throw out, but keep thinking you’re going to wear one day, or about that sweater way in the back that barely registers anymore because it’s been hanging there since 2001, then stop. That’s not what I’m talking about.
I am sure there’s a lot of “stuff” in your closet. I know there is in mine. But while that kind of clutter is annoying, it’s not terrible.
I’m talking about the clutter in your mind—your Mental Closet. Unlike the clutter in your regular closet, the clutter you carry around in your MC is always with you. You’re never far from it. And unlike the boots, or the sweater that just takes up some space, but really does no harm, the clutter in your MC does. The stuff in there keeps you from living the best life you can live. How does it do that? It keeps you from trying new things (fear); it keeps you from apologizing to someone (pride); it keeps you insecure (doubt); it keeps you awake at nights (anxiety); it keeps your fists balled-up (anger). Your MC is FULL. It’s actually overflowing. And it’s not just you walking around with a full closet . . . no, it’s pretty much everyone.
Nobody else wants the kind of stuff taking up space in your MC. You can’t give it away. That kind of clutter needs to be thrown out from your consciousness because it does you no good. It keeps you down. It keeps you from moving forward. It keeps you alone. It keeps you depressed.
Anything you’re carrying around that causes you anxiety is clutter that needs to be discarded. There’s no need to hang on to it. Believe me, anxiety is NOT going to help you in any way, shape or form.
Start by recognizing that you have clutter. Take a close look to see what it looks like. Then systemically start getting rid of it. One way of doing this is not to give any of it power. For example, when you start to feel Fear, keep going. Don’t let it stop you. You do this enough, and you’ve cleared fear out. If there’s a little fear left behind, it’s okay. As long as what remains doesn’t prevent you from doing what you have to do. Sometimes having a little fear or anxiety over some situation is unavoidable.
Clear out your mental closet. The freedom you’ll feel will be unimaginable. And guess what? You’ll have room for the things that you really want to own: self-confidence, empathy, peace, generosity, etc. And those are priceless!
When I'm aware of my "MC" and take action in that moment, the relief is immediate and the burden feels lifted. It makes it easier to feel good and smile.
It's surprising how much mental clutter we carry around. Unnecessarily. It's all voluntary!
Mental moving van coming tomorrow...
Excellent! Best of luck!
Serenity Township
What a great post! Love the way you explain it. Such a great comparison!
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Perfect analogy. Out with the old and tattered leaves room for the new and priceless.
Yes, out with the old. But don't bring anymore clutter in!
Present Valley
This is a priceless example of how clearing out the mental closet can change one's overall energy and well being.
Thank you for the reminder.
You're so welcome!!!