Civic Center
The Snooze Button

My husband and I have had a running argument about “Snoozing.” He’s a true Snoozer. When the alarm goes off in the mornings, he hits the snooze button for another half an hour. His argument is that he gets to fall asleep a few more times. I, on the other hand, hear the alarm, and immediately jump out of bed, ready to start my day. My argument—I sleep even more, because I don’t keep waking up, and falling back asleep. My way is uninterrupted.
I started relating this to Life. How many of you keep hitting the snooze button on your Life, wanting for a little more time to do this or that? Time continues to tick by no matter how long you wait. You will eventually have to take some sort of action. So why not GET UP? Now! Do what you’ve been putting off. There is no time like now! It’s amazing. You can do so much right this moment. Why keep putting it off, until . . .? Yeah, that “until” often falls by the wayside; stays in the mind like some sort of foggy dream.
The snooze button is for procrastinators. Don’t hate me if you’re a snoozer! I love snoozers; both my husband and son are excellent snoozers. But hey, don’t you want to stop the waiting, and get in the game?
Don’t snooze; you’ll be late for your life!
I like the way you made the snooze connection with life commitments, and you're right! Thanks!
Thank you! As they say, you snooze you lose!