Love is in the air...

Help us grow the world's first socially-powered safety net where we'll boost your quality of life in a fun and measurable way.

We're on a mission to heal social bonds by crowdsourcing the very best in people and kickstarting a more rewarding and secure lifestyle fueled by kindness, caring, and wisdom.

We believe that caring for each other is the only way into our collective future. We reject the toxic norms fueling today's social media. We embrace the truth and foster a culture that rewards online activities and behaviors that create positivity, dignity, and community.

Youtropolis is free to join. We're independent and exclusively funded by donors like you who value our unique mission. We depend on your generosity and thank you for your contribution.

If you are new to Youtropolis and want to learn more, feel free to roam around by selecting any of the links above.

If signed in, with a minimum contribution of $5.00 or more, you'll receive a distinct Construction Crew badge on your Youtropolis city's home page.

Youtropolis Call to Action

Let's cherish the gifts of freedom, peace, and good fortune entitled to all.

Let's respect and uphold the law of nature, and pledge to care for each other
across distinctions of gender, race, religion, and nation.