Civic Center
"It is what it is!

But does it have to be?
I’ve heard this phrase often. Someone tells me about a situation they’re in, and then follow it with, “It is what it is.”
The first time I heard it, I didn’t give it too much thought. But the more I heard the phrase, the more I started to see a pattern. In most of the situations, the person was talking about a current issue in their lives—relationship, job, school, etc. The meaning behind the words started appearing in a different light. I started hearing, “It’s this way, and I’m not doing anything to change it.”
There are some situations in which you could literally say, “It is what it is!” and have it be true. Example: you’re 4’10 and you wish you were 5’7.” In a case like that there’s nothing you can do about it. Or you're 80 and wish you were 50. That really is what it is. In most cases, however, “it is what it is” on the outside, but you can be the deciding factor. Picture a cup of water. It is water until you add tea. Then you’ve altered what it is. So look at what you can add, delete, change, to make “what it is,” “what it was.”
For instance, if you’re in a job you hate, is it still “what it is,” or can it be something different? Can you start looking for a new job? Start training in a new field? Talk to your boss about moving to another department? I don’t know . . . the possibilities abound.
If you’re using that phrase as an excuse because you’re unmotivated to change the situation you’re in, then you’re hindering yourself. In most cases, things can be done to alter “what is.” I challenge you to really examine a scenario about which you’ve used that phrase. Is it really what it is, or can something be done about it?
Can you change "what it is" to "what it was?"
Boy, the next time "it is what it is" comes to my mind, I'm going to take a closer look at the situation and see if it really "is what it is" or if there's something I can actually do about it. Thanks for shining the light.
Anytime I can a shine light, I'm glad to do it. It lights my way too!
If the situation is impossible to change, we can always change how we view it.
Serenity Township
Something to contemplate. Great post!
I'm glad it resonated with you!
Well Street
The phrase is a convenient way of letting oneself off the hook from attempting to make a change, be it from a lack of motivation or belief in themselves.
Thank you for this article. The next time I deem a situation to be completely out of my control, I'll examine it more thoroughly.
Let me know how it works out. I do think it is an excuse not to take an action in most cases.