Signs of Aging...


I don’t know of any human, animal, or thing that does not show signs of aging with the passage of time. It’s an indication of life. Of life passing. It is the natural progression of things. Of everything.

Yet Society is either trying to STOP it or MASK it. Why?

Why are we being sold ways to stop the markings of time? Why are we being sold things to freeze our faces, get rid of sagging jowls, crepe skin, dark spots, etc. As if any of that could really stop time.

Let’s face it, the only way to stop signs of aging is to die young. Period. There is no cream on earth that will make an 80-year-old look like they’re 45. No cream.

We are obsessed with the wrong thing. We are obsessed with preserving our skin—the outside layer of us—but little is being done to preserve the inside. Think about all the fast food restaurants you pass on the way home. If anything is going to speed signs of aging, it’s that; all the junk we put into our bodies on a regular basis. Yet, I’m not getting much advertisement on eating healthier, just on how to get rid of the normal signs of aging, as though it were such a horrible thing. But is it such a horrible thing?

We’re human. We’re impermanent. And just like a piece of fruit, we’re going to age, rot, and get thrown away. Not literally, but you know what I mean. No matter how many preservatives are used, that fruit won’t last forever looking it just got plucked off the tree after it’s been sitting around for several weeks or months.

We are being brainwashed. Made to feel bad for looking a certain way. For looking like we’ve been living. It’s time to wake up. To embrace life. To accept ourselves and the process through which we all have to go, if we’re lucky enough.


Very good point, beautifully stated, and so true.


A friend once referred to her wrinkles as her Sargeant's stripes. They were hard-earned and show years of service to life, jobs, family, and the list goes on. Sargeants are proud of their stripes. Shouldn't we be proud of our wrinkles? I say yes! Smile, and they become laugh lines 😀


Exactly! I couldn't agree more!