Walking on Tiptoes!


Is there a person in your life in whose presence you're not You? A person in whose presence you have to watch what you say, what you do, what you report about your life, etc.? Because if you do, they may not approve, and they'll get angry. And you don't want that, so you’ll do anything to avoid their anger, rejection, or diminishment.

If there is such a person in your life, know that that person in whose presence you hide your true Self, is completely manipulating you. To avoid their anger you do just about anything, but be yourself, because apparently your Self is not good enough.

Well, it is! You are bowing down to a person to whom you've relinquished all your power. You've kept nothing for yourself. So does that mean they’re more valuable than you are? Does that mean that You have to sacrifice and hide who you really are just to please someone who doesn’t care enough about you to allow you to be yourself? Something is wrong with that picture.

You have every right to be You! You are here to live your life as you wish, as long as you’re not hurting anyone else. You are here to express yourself in the way that you want. No one should stand in the way of that.

So, if you find yourself walking on tiptoes around someone, there’s a problem. You are being manipulated. It’s time to take inventory of your life. Are you living it the way your want? Are you expressing your genuine self unencumbered by someone else’s opinion of you? If not, then . . .

Plant your feet. Walk your walk. Be You! You’re here for a purpose, and that purpose is not meant to be hidden from view.


Yes, tiptoes and eggshells; they're the worst.

Well Street

I can relate to this experience from my teen years, where the other person was an assertive alpha personality, and feeling like a beta, I put a higher value on their opinions.
I was often not my authentic self around them, leading to a fair amount of tip-toeing.