Civic Center
Imitation...the greatest form of flattery?

“ . . . nobody wants a phony. Nobody ever wants a counterfeit coin.”
~Paul Boynton
It’s often said that imitation is the greatest form of flattery. But is it really?
Let's say you decide to color your hair like the rainbow. You want to be unique. The next day your friend greets you at the door and you are in shock. Her hair is similar to yours. Are you flattered or annoyed? My guess is that you're be annoyed. Why? Because you want to be you! The funky hair color is your signature; you don’t want someone else with the same signature.
When you imitate someone and aspire to be just like them, you’re missing something. What? The opportunity to be You. Yes, it’s great to be motivated and inspired by others, but not to become exactly like them. They can motivate you, but don't turn into them. Work on becoming the most amazing You possible.
Things are valuable because of their rarity, their scarcity. So, isn’t it better to be the most unique version of Yourself?
Imagine you want to become a singer. You know that Gwen Stefani is a well-known, talented, and popular singer. So, you decide to color your hair platinum blonde and wear blood-red lipstick. You’re ready to sing and make it big. Sadly, no. There is already a Gwen Stefani. Why would anyone want another one?
Discover what makes You unique, and then embrace it. Be the best you You can be. Capitalize on the very thing that makes you different from everyone else.
In all cases, being you is the best option.
That's right!
Well Street
Great advice!
I'm reminded of when I was a sophomore in high school, and there was a senior who had a style of hair and dress that I thought was cool and attempted to emulate.
Walking home from school one day, a car drove by and the senior leaned out the window and yelled at me, "Poser!!!". Deflated, this was one of my first lessons on reasons not to imitate.
That must have been so embarrassing for you. Painful lesson. But look how great the You now turned out to be! I remember wanting to be just like Marcia Brady. Even worn my hair in pigtails just like her. That eventually wore out. Thank goodness!
The outliers, the rebels, the artists, those who express themselves boldly are not only courageous and confident in who they are, they know the statement they want make and the impression they want to leave. Those who emulate them are like butterflies who have yet to emerge from their cocoon.