Civic Center
Like a Tree!

“Trees in winter lose their leaves. Some trees may even fall during storms, but most stand patiently and bear their fortune.
They endure rain, snow, wind, and cold. They bear the adornment of glycerin raindrops, glimmering icicles, or crowns of snow without care. They are not concerned when such lustrous splendor is dashed to the ground. They stand, and they wait, the power of their growth apparently dormant. But inside, a burgeoning is building imperceptibly.
Theirs is the forbearance of being true to their inner natures. It is with this power that they withstand both the vicissitudes and adornment of life, for neither bad fortune nor good fortune will alter what they are. We should be the same way. We may have great fortune or bad, but we should patiently bear both. No matter what, we must always be true to our inner selves.”
~Den Ming-Dao (365 Tao, Daily Meditations)
After reading the above meditation, I was inspired by its essential truth. We can all have the strength of a tree, in fact, we do, we have just forgotten. Like a tree, no matter what comes our way, good or bad, nothing changes the real nature of our true being. Our essence is pure, and outlasts any physical withering.
Let’s remember our Power, our Essence—what we are inside cannot be touched; only the outside—like the tree—gets wet, breaks off, and shows the effects of life’s fortunes and misfortunes.
The real, inward You, is Flawless and Limitless. Know that, and live your life as if you do.
With all that clouds and clutters our minds, it's difficult to keep centered in that truth. When we do achieve that, it is much more peaceful for our own self and for those around us.
Yes, I couldn't have said it better myself.