Civic Center
If Only We Could All Be Like Starlings!

Scrolling through YouTube, I happened to see a video of the starling murmuration. I was enthralled, amazed, in awe, that anything like that was possible. As I watched the flock of starlings come together, form a moving cloud, draw apart, swirl every which way, then come together again, I thought, “That’s the answer!”
If only we, as a people, could be like the starlings, working together in perfect, synchronistic fluidity, our problems would be over. We would all be responding to each other, instead of acting selfishly as one.
The starlings sense each other’s moves. They respond and swirl en masse to create, what I believe, is a miracle of nature. These starlings aren’t governed by one bird; they all collaborate for the good of the group. All flock members have a say, if you will. They cannot be divided into separate, independent subparts. They stand (fly) united, hence they thrive, while at the same time, creating unbelievable beauty. It takes only one starling to change directions, and the rest follow suit. There’s no, “I don’t want to go, you go.” No, “Fine, you go, but don’t expect me to come along.” No. It is the good of the group that’s important.
What if we were more like the starlings? What if we were united? What if we were perfectly connected to each other? Because we really are. Only unlike the starlings, we fail to see the interconnectivity between us all. If we did manage to understand that fact, how, then, could we get knocked down? We’d have support left and right. We’d always have a guide. We’d always sense each other’s needs and provide whatever was necessary.
How the starlings have such a connection, is a mystery. But those murmurations remind us of what we can do if only we’d come together as a people. Imagine what we could create!
Thank you for this article; very moving. The video is beautiful.
"You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one"
- Imagine, John Lennon, 1971
Perfect song for what I was trying to relay! Thank you.
Well Street
Truly amazing to watch.
In my Psychology of Behavior Change course, murmurations are described as a "behavior that arises from the simultaneous interactions of each bird doing relatively simple things on its own, in coordination with those around them. This effect is known as self-organization and is a hallmark of complex systems."
To your point, if we could integrate ourselves as individuals into our complex system (the world) with complete and harmonious coordination with all those around us, it would be pretty magical.
Yes, if only! Thank you for the insight!