To What Are We Hanging On?


So often we hold onto beliefs based on something we heard as a child, or from something we heard on the news, or even from something someone said with conviction. Once the belief sticks, it sticks. And if we’re stubborn, that belief could dictate our lives forever. But what if we’re wrong? What if they were wrong?

What if what we heard as a child was a misinterpretation? What if what the newscaster said was wrong? And what if the person we trusted was mistaken? To what are we hanging on? A false belief!

As a child, I was often told, “Don’t go swimming or take a shower after you eat. You might get an embolism.” What?! Yes, I actually heard that. And I believed it. After all, I was just a kid. So I never showered or went swimming after eating. I truly believed I would die.

But then I grew up. I heard differently. I realized that what I’d heard was absolute rubbish. I was open enough to question and change my belief. Many people are not, or are scared to.

Beliefs are based on many different factors. It’s important to question, do our own research, and come to our own conclusions.

And if we’re wrong? Then let's let go. Let's not keep holding on to something that isn’t real. Let's set ourselves free and discover our own truth.


Yes, let's do. It makes for a much happier life.
