Sometimes you realize you CAN'T see, until you CAN


My husband and I, in an effort to be proactive, made a list of all the things we had to do around the house, (i.e., repairs, cleaning, de-cluttering, etc.). After we got done, we reviewed the list and came up with a plan. Getting through the list would take months, but if we picked at it, it would all eventually get done.

One of the items was to clean all the screens in the house. While in the bathroom, I looked at both the shower and restroom screens and decided, “I’m doing this!” I took them off, and in the backyard, hosed them off. I couldn’t believe the dirt that fell off them.

After the screens dried, I put them back. It wasn’t’ until later in the day that I happened to look out through one of the screens. It was so clear; I could see everything without the haze to which I’d become accustomed. I never realized that the screens, with their accumulated months of dust, were that dirty. Yet they were.

Isn’t it like that in our normal lives? We get accustomed to doing things, seeing things through the haze of our own dirty filters. We just don’t realize how clear it can really be. The dust on the screens had accumulated little by little, it didn’t just materialize one day.

This screen cleaning opened my eyes. What else was I not seeing? What are you not seeing because it’s covered with a skewed perspective, negativity, fear, etc.?

It’s time now, for all of us to remove our mental “screens.” It is the only way we’ll be able to see clearly. And if we need help, someone else may be seeing more clearly and can help us out.

Get that piece of paper out. Start your list. And clean those “screens.”


Great story! My spring cleaning will include my "screen" cleaning. Thanks!


We all need a screen cleaning periodically!


An analogy worth remembering. There's tons of mental pollution blowing through all sorts of media channels these days that could easily cloud anyone's judgement.


And it does! We have to be very mindful of what we take in that will dirty up our screens.