Civic Center
Maybe just barely there . . .

Ever had one of those days? You know . . . a day where everything seems to go wrong. You break the coffee pot, step on a piece of glass while you're cleaning up; are late for work because of the huge line at the gas station; hit every red light, and miss a green one because the distracted driver in front of you was too busy looking at something else. Yeah, we've all one of those days. They kind of suck. But the good news is, it's just a day. You can mope, become so involved in every little detail of the "bad" day, that you miss all the great things that happen in between.
Days come and go. The irritating ones can get you down. Understandable. Days are sort of like waves . . . some are big, some small, some barely there. When the big one comes, just ride it; it will pass. They all do. The ocean is in constant movement. Sometimes you might just have to take a little beating.
When you do, pick yourself up, and carry yourself to the shore. Rest, and know that the next wave may not be so big, maybe just barely there.
Well Street
Yes! The brain may be wired to look for the bad stuff and all that's dark, but the capacity to see all that's going right is vitally important, as is accepting that the big wave won't be big forever.
You're exactly right. Nothing, big or small, lasts forever! We just have to remember that.
Some waves pull you under. Hopefully someone’s nearby who cares enough to pull you back up. It’s what good friends are for.
If we can live by the saying, "Don't sweat the small stuff," we'll be much happier.
Yes, if only we could!