Be Like a Detective!


Recently, I switched purses to a cross-body because I was going to be doing a lot of walking and didn't want to keep adjusting the ******** my shoulder.

In one of the side pockets, I dropped in my lipstick, a toothpick holder, nail clippers, and a few other small items.

Later that night, after dinner, when I went to look for a toothpick, I couldn't find it. I could have sworn I'd stuck the toothpick holder in there. I was stumped. I then looked for my lipstick, and again, I couldn't find it. I thought I was going crazy. Where could all my things be? I searched my entire purse and came up empty-handed.

Sometime later, I decided to switch purses again. I felt up the purse to make sure that I had left nothing behind, and at the bottom of the purse, through the fabric, I felt something. Several things, actually. I looked in the little side pocket and discovered there was a small hole. When I stuck my finger through it, I discovered all the missing items. I extracted them one at a time.

Everything had been there all the time, just hidden so that I couldn't immediately see it.

That's how it is with us. There are amazing things hidden within all of us. Some of them have just been misplaced. In addition, we may not be looking in the right places.

Make it a point to keep searching until you find what you're looking for. Be like a detective. It’s there, just maybe not where you’re looking.

Don't let appearances deceive you. The cover might be pretty good, but it's still a cover.


Perfect analogy. It may be hidden, but it's there. Be patient and kind to yourself as you search for it. It will pay off!


Yes, it absolutely will.