Civic Center
Lost in a Fog!

When I was in high school, just a sweet girl of 17, my dad let me drive the car to school. Looking back now, I seriously don’t know how we made it. The fog was so thick (Exorcist thick), that I couldn’t even see the end of the hood, let alone, the streetlights. At one point, one of my friends had to actually get out of the car to let me know when the light had turned green. Thankfully, we arrived at school safely, but the drive there was agonizing.
And so it is like that in life. The fog created by your thoughts, fears, and insecurities seem so thick that you don’t think you’ll ever see clearly again.
But the fog, no matter how thick, does eventually lift. And there is the light you thought you’d never see again. At times, you may need a little help to see the light, and that’s great. Take all the help you can get. Just know that the light is there, hidden in the fog. Even though, the fog may be so heavy that you can’t see what’s right in front of you—that fog; that blockage keeping you from moving forward—will disappear. You will be able to see clearly again.
So, don’t worry about that fog—that temporary barrier. It will lift, and when it does, everything around you will come into focus, allowing you to see what’s truly important
Thanks for the encouraging words. It sometimes does take help pointing out the light is indeed there, but never fear, it IS there.
Yes, for sure it is there, waiting to brighten our days once again!
Well Street
It's so easy to regard the fog as something that could be with us for the long run, and I wonder how much more life that gives the fog.
It makes sense that not only can we feel more peace at the moment by believing the light is there and the fog isn't forever, but this belief may cause the fog to lift faster. That would be most welcome.
That certainly would. I've learned throughout my life, that the fog always lifts. Maybe not in the timeframe we want, but it does lift!