Step to the Side, You're in the Way!


Is there something you've been wanting to do, accomplish? Something for which you've always longed? Yet despite your fervent desires, there seems to be always something, or someone standing in your way. That thing you want is somehow always out of reach. Maybe you blame your parents. You were mistreated when you were a kid. Or perhaps it's that crazy teacher who gave you that D minus when you thought it should have been an A. Maybe it's your gym coach telling you you're not working out hard enough. How about blaming the clothes manufacturers for making the clothes too small? Hmm.

Maybe your parents weren't the best. Fair enough. But you're an adult now capable of making your own choices. Maybe you went bar hopping instead of staying home to study. Did you really challenge yourself during your workout, or did you just go through the motions? Are you really a size 4?

While all those above-mentioned reasons may have some validity, it's time to let go of them. More often than not, it is not an outside force standing in your way, it's you. Fears, insecurities, doubts, laziness, etc., are all things that stand in the way of your attaining what you want.

If you really want something from this life, you need to go after it. Gladly step aside. Welcome the blank canvas that stands before you. Stop the blaming; you're only giving away your power. As soon as you take your power back, you become strong, decisive, and capable of attaining anything for which you really strive. The moment you take responsibility for you, things will begin to change.

The next time you're about to blame someone for something you haven't achieved, STOP. Take a look at what you're doing, or not doing. Are you limiting yourself? Is someone other than you really in your way? You might be surprised at the answer. The moment you own you, miracles will happen.

So step aside today. The sky's the limit!


I agree. Once we get out of our own way, it's amazing what can be achieved. It's not easy, but the payoff is worth the effort.


The payoff is always worth it. It is difficult sometimes because we don't even realize that it is us in our own way!


I think the blank canvas stumps some people. It's like they can envision the life they'd like to paint but don't know how to get it to take shape on the canvas. Sometimes it sadly boils down to not having the financial resources.

Youtropolis is an antidote to this problem. By crowdsourcing knowledge, resources, connections, encouragement, and love, any dream becomes possible.


You make really good points. And yes, finances can be a serious problem. Still, there is something we can do at any given time. Even if it's changing our thought patterns, which I know is quite difficult.

Well Street

Looking under the hood and examining the role we've played in our circumstances is daunting.
Deciding to do things differently involves repeated heavy emotional lifting, hence, many people opt not to do it.

I'm immensely grateful for the people I can lean on to prop me up and that my Youtropolis tribe is an additional resource to call on.


Yes, it is! We are fortunate to be part of this Tribe!