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The Power of Acceptance!

When super hunky, Indian actor Hrithik Roshan was born, he seemed perfect in every way. Soon enough, however, it was discovered that on his right hand he had two thumbs instead of the “normal” one. He wasn’t “perfect” after all.
As he grew, he was teased mercilessly at school. This caused him to develop a stuttering problem, and made it impossible for him to speak in public.
At the age of 21, he was diagnosed with scoliosis. Doctors told him he would never be able to stand straight, dance, or act.
So Life had dealt Hrithik a hand; a bad hand, or so it would seem. What would he do with that hand? Would he fold? See himself as less than perfect because of his deformed hand? See himself as handicapped? Hrithik decided that NO, he would not fold, see himself as less than perfect, or handicapped. His will power was stronger than a doctor’s diagnosis of doom, and a hand that would set him apart from most people.
Hrithik’s strong mindset, determination, and willpower, have led him to become a superstar in the film industry. He is considered to be one of the best dancers in Bollywood, and does most of his stunts in the movies. When asked about his extra thumb, and why he has not had it surgically removed, he says because he considers it a sign of luck. “He just accepts the life as it comes and has no complex problem about it.” Imagine that!
In India, having supernumerary is considered a gift from God, and a lucky sign. When fans are asked what they think, the say that they love him and that he is “unique.”
What if everyone accepted the hand they were dealt and made the most out of it? What if they considered it a sign of luck, a sign of uniqueness; what if no one took no for an answer? What if . . .
Beautiful story, powerful message. Thank you!
I hope you got to see the great dancing. Hrithik Rohan is an amazing dancer!
Present Valley
Thanks for the this talented dancer.
I found myself thinking about taking dancing lessons!!!
The hand that we are dealt....seeing it as unique and a sign of luck is a shift in perspective that could be of benefit to anyone on their life journey.
Absolutely! Hrithik Rohan is a talented man and an inspiration!