Civic Center
It Isn't Fair!

Have you ever heard yourself say those words? I think most of us, at one point or another, thought something was unfair and complained about it.
But here's the thing ... Life isn't fair. It never has been and it never will be.
Believing that it is, creates an illusion easily shattered as soon as something perceived as "unfair" happens.
Life doesn't know the difference between old or young, good or bad, rich or poor, fat or thin can touch us all in "unfair" ways.
If you know this, you can take your power back.
You are not a victim, you are just a human in this game called Life.
Face each event head on. Go with the flow. You have what it takes to get through it; you've proven that to yourself over and over again.
There's nothing fair or unfair. There just is.
Once you understand this, you'll no longer feel like a victim beaten down by Life.
I'm certainly guilty of saying more than once, "It isn't fair." But I've also learned, what sometimes appears unfair, turns around to be in my favor further down the line. Example: A job opportunity is canceled, but soon after being hired for a better job. You never know...
That's exactly right. We don't have a bird's view so we can't really know what's in our best interest or not. Good to keep that in mind.
The problem is, so many things that are perceived as unfair (and indeed are) are created by personal or societal judgments of others: "too dark," "too old," "not pretty enough,"not smart enough," "not one of us," "not of our class," or "not a man." Although these judgments are a part of life, they are of our own making. So if life doesn't feel fair for reasons of exclusion or judgment, we should take a serious inventory of how we ourselves judge others (or ourselves), and we should end the practice of whitewashing humanity's long history of racism.
Well Street
I appreciate your encouragement to reflect on when and how we've navigated through unfair times and events, thus providing evidence of our resilience.
I wholeheartedly agree that getting real with how we judge others and ourselves is necessary and the right thing to do. As we've talked about, "looking under the hood", willingly getting into our muck, and taking action for change aren't for the meek and are a bridge too far for many.