The First Day!


When my grandchildren were younger I would watch as they get their pictures taken before heading off to their First Day of school. I began to contemplate the First of Anything; how it's either exciting or fear-provoking; most of the time it’s just neutral. But does it have to be? Think about it . . . we are gifted 365 days every year. That's a lot of days. How many of those do you want to find exciting? Even fearful is better than neutral; at least that means something is happening, right? Fear and excitement go hand in hand.

Every day when you wake up, it's the First Day of the Rest of Your Life. I know, everyone has heard this numerous times, a pretty sentiment on a card. But isn't it true? Today is the day that begins whatever you have left of your life. It could be weeks, months, or decades. But why do you so often treat that first day as if it means nothing? Why do you only get excited when it's the first day of a new job, school, an interview, a trip, etc.? Granted, those days are a little extra special because they’re rare, but still . . . a day is special because it IS! Not everyone wakes up after they go to sleep the night before.

Since every day is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life, make it worthwhile. Get excited when you wake up each morning about the day's possibilities. What might the day bring you? You never really know, do you? Things happen every single day, whether we want them to or not.

So, let's grab this day. Put a smile on your face and say cheese as you get your picture taken. Then send me the picture. I want to see as many as possible.

Recognize today for what it really is--the First Day of the Rest of Your Life. Don't stay in neutral. Once this day is gone, there's no getting it back. So choose to live it and live it well!


Getting up with a smile leads to a happier day than starting your day with "I have to..." Whatever may be on the day's list, taking one at a time and focusing on that will feel less burdensome. And adding a smile while you're doing it changes everything!


Exactly! And I've notice we all look so much better when we're smiling.

Well Street

Thank you for giving us this formula to break the "Wash, Rinse, Repeat" paradigm of living day in and day out.
I, too, agree that smiling is great medicine.
