Stop Trying to Control the Uncontrollable!


Have you ever noticed that the more you try to control a situation that's out of your control, the more frustrated you become? That's because you cannot control something that can't be controlled. It would be akin to controlling the weather. Try that and let me know how that works out for you.

When you try to change someone, try to impose your will because you "know best;" try to create a scenario that will yield you the results you desire, you end up being frustrated and trapped in a prison of your own making. And often, when you try to control someone/something, you end up creating a bigger mess. Here's an example . . . suppose you don't like how your daughter is treated by her slob of a husband. Every time you visit, you get more and more disgusted by his slovenly ways. Your daughter doesn't seem to mind, but you feel angrier and more annoyed each and every time. You decide you can't handle it and pull your daughter aside. You try to control her by telling her she needs to get her husband in line. She looks at you as if you're mad. When that doesn't work, you tell her husband to clean up his act while your daughter is in the bathroom. Both end up being angry at you and call you the "meddling mother-in-law." You stop receiving invitations to dinner, and you don't get to see the grandchildren. Now you did it. It was a situation that you shouldn't have tried to control. And now you're paying the consequences.

It's difficult trying to control ourselves, let alone someone or something else.

Sometimes you just have to sit back and trust--trust that everything will work out the way it should. Allow things to play out. They always do, with or without your help.

Well Street

Such a great recommendation to help us avoid undue frustration and depriving ourselves of things that make us happy.

In my work, it's almost universal that a client will focus on a result like "lose 10 pounds". I encourage focusing on the steps that can potentially lead to that result, like "a vegetable with dinner each night", and, "3 strength training sessions weekly."

Focusing on these controllables can lead to empowerment and consistency in healthy behaviors, and avoid the angst of trying to control hormonal and metabolic processes.


There are so many things we can't control! Staying focused on what is under our control helps us, not only with peace of mind, but with getting things done.


By the time we meet and get to know someone, they're pretty much "baked" so imposing a change on them or someone close to them is a disaster in the making. Your story illustrates it perfectly.

Present Valley

Let people be who they are took me a long time to painfully learn. Such a relief and less disappointment when I finally got that other people and their behavior was not my responsibility to change or control. I could actually love them more.
When I discovered the Serenity Prayer it became a mantra.


The Serenity Prayer says so much in just a few words.


I love the Serenity Prayer. It's a wonderful one to recite. You've got a lot of insight.