Civic Center
The Comfort Zone...Are you in it?

How are you feeling today? Comfy? Most of us are, for the most part. We generally do nothing that causes us to feel fear or excitement. Nothing that makes our hearts pound, and our breaths catch. We live the same day over and over again, kind of like in that movie Groundhog Day.
Imagine you're bedridden. You are not allowed to leave your bed (only to use the bathroom and take a shower). Everything else that you require is provided for you, either brought to you, or sitting by your bedside. You even have a huge plasma screen TV so you can be entertained, and keep in touch with the outside world; you also have a Smart phone, and a computer--you're set. In your bed, you're safe and comfortable. All your friends and family come to visit, so you're not lacking a social life. There in your bed no harm can come to you. You're as safe as a baby in its crib.
Imagine if that were your life . . . Does that sound exciting? Boring?
Living in the Comfort Zone (CZ) is living that life. Usually it's fear that keeps people in the CZ.
To break out of the CZ doesn't take much. All you have to do is dare to try something new—something that causes you to feel excitement. And if you feel a little fear, that's okay. Anything new can do that. But don't let that stop you. You can step out of the CZ by taking small steps. For instance, go to a different supermarket. Try a different flavor ice cream. Wear a color that you've never tried. Try driving through a different city. Read a genre of book you've never read. Get it? It can be anything new.
Stepping out of the CZ is change. Generally change is not something to which people look forward. But like it or not, things will change, one way or another. So why not make it fun by experiencing something new?
Don't live the same life over and over again. You're to experience it all. So break through that CZ, take a chance on Life. It's waiting to give you what you want. Reach out for it. But you'll have to get out of bed first. : )
Rut is a synonym for comfort zone. Comfort zone sounds safe; rut sounds boring. No one wants to be bored or boring, so your suggestion is right on 👍
Well Street
The scenario you presented, even with the plasma TV, didn't feel at all appealing, and that's a good thing.
Thank you for the effective means of demonstrating that the "cruising" life is no life at all.