You're Missing You!


Raise your hand if you’re one who often dwells on the past. Okay, then you’re like most people.

Raise your hand if you find yourself often contemplating the future; looking forward to something. Okay, I hear you; that’s all too common.

But what of Now? What’s going on inside of You? Who’s in there?

My guess is that someone great is being overlooked. And how could they not be when you have a distorted view of who you really are.

Your incredible nature is being ignored because there are too many outside distractions. Too many shadows covering the potential that exists; the one dying to come out, but is too afraid of rejection, failure, abandonment, etc., etc.

Stop with the past that’s gone. Is there anything you can do about it?

Stop with the non-existent future. Why non-existent? Because you don’t know what’s in store, or if there’ll be anything in store. You just don’t know.

What you need to know is that you have a gem inside waiting to be unearthed. And with that gem you can accomplish amazing things.

Step out of the shadows. Discover You. Then share it!


Staying in the moment really is a moment-by-moment practice. It's so easy to slip into what was or what if, and both those places can be very dangerous emotionally. Best to focus on the here and now and give it your best.


Wiser decisions are made when you're not wasting time in another time zone.

Serenity Township


Imagine how different this world would be if everyone unearthed those hidden gems and brought them into the light of day.