Civic Center
The Span of Life

The Buddha asked a Shramana, "How long is the human life span?"
He replied, "A few days."
The Buddha said, "You have not yet understood the Way."
He asked another Shramana, "How long is the human life span?"
The reply was, "The space of a meal."
The Buddha said, "You have not yet understood the Way."
He asked another Shramana, "How long is the human life span?"
He replied, "The length of a single breath."
The Buddha said, "Excellent. You have understood the Way."
Lectures given by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
at Gold Mountain Monastery, San Francisco, California, in 1974
I don't think I understand this. I'd like some help from others who do. Thank you.
My understanding that our life span is only one breath. That's all we ever have. Our life starts and ends of one breath. That's what I took away from it.
I see; so don't go into the future because our life is in the breath of that moment. Thank you!