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Share what you love: an inspiring video,
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Here Come The Barbarians
Tue, 02/06/2024

Here Come The Barbarians

It used to be that to succeed in this world you’d need to have at least one of the following good luck charms: a higher education, parents who…

Digestible Lessons
Sat, 02/03/2024

Digestible Lessons

A few days ago while eating breakfast my mind was all over the place. I was thinking about how digestion works. Cutting food into bite size…

Fri, 02/02/2024


We often go through our days fast and as if by rote. When we do slow down, it's usually because we're not feeling well. Maybe due to an injury,…

Learn How to Be More Outspoken When It Matters
Wed, 01/31/2024

Learn How to Be More Outspoken When It Matters

Too many folks are ignoring the truth. They're looking the other way, either out of fear or feeling powerless. Not this guy. He's giving…

This man's best friend
Mon, 01/29/2024

This man's best friend

This sweet story about a man and his horse starts with smiles and chuckles, but takes a surprising turn that takes the relationship to a whole new…

The Messy Middle
Sun, 01/28/2024

The Messy Middle

Can you think of a time in your life where you found yourself in the gap between something ending and something beginning? There is actually a…

Don't Worry!
Fri, 01/26/2024

Don't Worry!

Have you ever been around someone who is very anxious or fearful? Perhaps you yourself have had bouts with anxiety. In truth, at one point or…

Fri, 01/19/2024
Your Focus!
Tue, 01/16/2024

Your Focus!

Whatever we focus on will expand. That can go two ways--toward the positive or the negative.

I have a client who recently got new neighbors…

Don't ask for the moon if you have the stars
Wed, 01/10/2024

Don't ask for the moon if you have the stars

Sometimes things aren’t what you think they are. But you’re just so sure of yourself. You know you’re right, but no one agrees with you. That can…

Mon, 01/08/2024


We all have our share of problems. And we normally consider them a bad thing. But are they always? A problem may be a way of waking us up out of a…

Time to Clear Things Out!
Tue, 01/02/2024

Time to Clear Things Out!

It's the New Year. Hard to believe that 2023 is now gone forever. And what a year it was.

But it's over now. Time now to focus on the new…

11-Year-Old Boy with Autism Fails School Exams
Sat, 12/30/2023

11-Year-Old Boy with Autism Fails School Exams

Eleven-year-old Ben Twist has autism. When he failed his SAT exams, his teacher, Ruth Clarkson, could have told him in a variety of ways that he…

Just this once!
Thu, 12/21/2023

Just this once!

Have you ever said those words?

These are dangerous words when it compromises your moral code and integrity.

It might seem easy to…

Do you know Melatonin?
Tue, 12/19/2023

Do you know Melatonin?

For years, melatonin, a hormone produced by the pineal gland and the gut, has been the king of sleep supplements. In 2020, global sales of…

Be thankful for the turkeys in your life: Part 2
Fri, 12/15/2023

Be thankful for the turkeys in your life: Part 2

A couple weeks back or more, I posted a lesson on being thankful for the turkeys in your life. This is chapter two, the final bit of the story…

A Positive Outlook!
Tue, 12/12/2023

A Positive Outlook!

Do you want to be happy? Do you want to achieve great things? I think most of us would answer yes. Wouldn't you? But many of you are not happy…

Just Being!
Wed, 12/06/2023

Just Being!

How many of you find time for just being? Just being and doing nothing? I know that for me personally, taking time for just being is a struggle…

Tue, 11/28/2023


There are two words that require more forethought than any other words, and that's "Yes" and "No." These words may seem simple and insignificant,…

Your Worst Enemy!
Mon, 11/27/2023

Your Worst Enemy!

We typically believe that our enemies are out there in the world waiting to strike. Be it the checker at the grocery store, a neighbor, a co-…

Be thankful for the turkeys in your life
Sun, 11/26/2023

Be thankful for the turkeys in your life

Sometimes holidays create sticky problems. My family is scattered out of state, so good people take pity on me and invite me to celebrate holiday…

Respond, Don't React!
Fri, 11/17/2023

Respond, Don't React!

Have you noticed that in a great number of situations, differences of opinions, or things that tend to surprise you negatively, your tendency is…

Feelings Are Not Facts!
Mon, 11/13/2023

Feelings Are Not Facts!

You put a lot of credence on your emotions and feelings. You believe that all of your emotions and feelings are based on fact. In truth, most of…

Dia De Muertos & The Kindness Of A Mexican Family
Thu, 11/02/2023

Dia De Muertos & The Kindness Of A Mexican Family

Earlier this week, Evanger shared some interesting history about El Dia De Muertos, the traditional Mexican two-day celebration where spirits of…

Let it go!
Tue, 10/31/2023

Let it go!

It is quite enticing to believe that if you worry over a situation long enough; that if you put all your time and energy into a certain problem,…

¿Dónde pasar un día de muertos excepcional?
Tue, 10/31/2023

¿Dónde pasar un día de muertos excepcional?

Mi lugar de origen se llama Nayarit Mexico, y si algun dia quieres ir a vivir una experiencia del dia de muertos te comparto que sin lugar a duda…

Mon, 10/30/2023


We humans have a habit. A bad habit. And that's thinking. Why do I think it's a bad habit? Because most of our 70,000 thoughts per day aren't…

Dia de Muertos en mi cultura Mexicana
Fri, 10/27/2023

Dia de Muertos en mi cultura Mexicana

Una celebración a la memoria y un ritual que privilegia el recuerdo sobre el olvido.

En la época prehispánica el culto a la muerte era uno…

Who Do You Belong To?
Thu, 10/26/2023

Who Do You Belong To?

To understand my question, you could ask yourself “who do I love?” If more than one, you could prioritize your list by focusing on the single one…

Make it a point to be happy!
Wed, 10/25/2023

Make it a point to be happy!

You're thinking, "Yeah, easier said than done."

And you're probably right. But there are things we can do to create a little happiness in…

Traffic lights and curve balls
Wed, 10/18/2023

Traffic lights and curve balls

While driving to a client session, I came upon not one, not two, but three intersections with traffic lights that had lost power. If we think back…

When Love Fails
Sat, 10/14/2023

When Love Fails

Love is always a choice. To be kind, respectful, and humane.

Neutrality is also a choice. To do nothing, say nothing, simply bear witness…

Will We All Lose Our Humanity?
Fri, 10/13/2023

Will We All Lose Our Humanity?

What enables one to go so irreparably dark within, corrupted, marred, their heart so disfigured with terminal hatred that every bit of humanity is…

Peace of mind in a closet
Sat, 10/07/2023

Peace of mind in a closet

When was the last time you felt fully at peace? I’m talking about the kind of peace that fills you and settles you down the way a pot roast does,…

It Isn't Fair!
Thu, 10/05/2023

It Isn't Fair!

Have you ever heard yourself say those words? I think most of us, at one point or another, thought something was unfair and complained about it…

Mon, 10/02/2023


I've learned so much about equanimity these last few months as my world has been inundated with unexpected house repairs and health issues. (I…

A deepening of a client relationship
Sun, 10/01/2023

A deepening of a client relationship

One of the things I enjoy most about my job is working with different personality types and learning about my client’s unique experiences. Lindsey…

Who Hasn't Been Shaped By Sorrows?
Fri, 09/29/2023

Who Hasn't Been Shaped By Sorrows?

My laptop seems to be imbued with some mystical force that defies logic. More than once it has performed curious mind bending feats that are…

Solo cambiamos aquello que necesitamos cambiar
Mon, 09/25/2023

Solo cambiamos aquello que necesitamos cambiar

"Solo cambiamos aquello que necesitamos cambiar" dice Alex rovira en el trebol de la semana

Por eso es necesaria una mínima dosis de…

Fear is the Source of Every Problem!
Sun, 09/24/2023

Fear is the Source of Every Problem!

Fear is the source of every problem.

If we can get down to the root of what the fear is, then we can start taking the steps to look at it…

Maybe just barely there . . .
Sat, 09/23/2023

Maybe just barely there . . .

Ever had one of those days? You know . . . a day where everything seems to go wrong. You break the coffee pot, step on a piece of glass while you'…

Yesterday's Light!
Mon, 09/18/2023

Yesterday's Light!

How many of us go through life thinking about yesterday? Having regrets about things we did, shouldn't have done, or could have done differently?…

Negotiating is wise
Tue, 09/12/2023

Negotiating is wise

I know some people have an aversion to negotiating. They may even think it's a disrespectful thing to do.

I agree there are times when…

You're Missing You!
Tue, 09/12/2023

You're Missing You!

Raise your hand if you’re one who often dwells on the past. Okay, then you’re like most people.

Raise your hand if you find yourself often…

Kitchen mishaps and self-compassion
Tue, 09/12/2023

Kitchen mishaps and self-compassion

A few weeks ago, my stomach grumbled with hunger, and turkey chili with rice was the antidote. I poured the ingredients into a glass container and…

"You can lead a horse to water ..."
Thu, 09/07/2023

"You can lead a horse to water ..."

But you can’t make it drink!” This popular idiom is about control, and the fact that no one can, or should control another person. A lot of people…

When it's over ... moving on!
Sat, 09/02/2023

When it's over ... moving on!

Who out there over the age of say, 13, hasn’t had their heart broken by someone breaking up with them? I would venture to say, no one. It happens…

We Can Do More Than We Think We Can!
Fri, 09/01/2023

We Can Do More Than We Think We Can!

When a horse starts his training, he's afraid to pull 25 pounds, when in fact he has the power to pull 9000 pounds. But he doesn't know it. He has…

Watch out for that speed bump!
Thu, 08/31/2023

Watch out for that speed bump!

There’s nothing more annoying than going through a supermarket parking lot. All you want to do is park, go in, get your Rocky Road ice cream, and…

Walking on Tiptoes!
Wed, 08/30/2023

Walking on Tiptoes!

Is there a person in your life in whose presence you're not You? A person in whose presence you have to watch what you say, what you do, what you…

Unanswered Prayers!
Tue, 08/29/2023

Unanswered Prayers!

When I was 17, I prayed for Greg Kracy to like me and ask me to the prom. Greg Kracy did neither.

When I was 21 and pregnant with my first…

Trials: The Art of Being Perfected!
Mon, 08/28/2023

Trials: The Art of Being Perfected!

While talking to my brother some years ago, he shared that November had been quite a trying month of one unfortunate event after another. First, a…

To What Are We Hanging On?
Fri, 08/25/2023

To What Are We Hanging On?

So often we hold onto beliefs based on something we heard as a child, or from something we heard on the news, or even from something someone said…

Boxing + Faulty Recall = Positivity
Thu, 08/24/2023

Boxing + Faulty Recall = Positivity

Tim is a client I’ve been working with for more than 20 years. Before Covid, we were in the gym three days a week, and now we train at his home…

Thoughts, Thoughts, and More Thoughts!
Thu, 08/24/2023

Thoughts, Thoughts, and More Thoughts!

There are so many that run through your minds, every day--too many too count. A lot of them are negative; so negative in fact, they ruin your day…

How to Silence a One-upper
Wed, 08/23/2023

How to Silence a One-upper

A few days ago, I took a break from cataloguing books and went outside to a small garden next to the library for a breath of fresh air. 

Things Don't Equal Happiness!
Wed, 08/23/2023

Things Don't Equal Happiness!

If they did, everyone with lots of things and money would be the happiest people in the world. But they’re not. My husband has the opportunity to…

They're Your Shoes! Only You Can Fill Them!
Mon, 08/21/2023

They're Your Shoes! Only You Can Fill Them!

Somewhere along the way, people have gotten the idea that they’re not enough; that they’re missing a piece; and that without that piece they’re…

There Are None More Blind Than...
Fri, 08/18/2023

There Are None More Blind Than...

Being blind isn't just a physical condition that affects the eyes. In fact, there is a worse kind of blindness—ignorance, selfishness, prejudice,…

A Bag of Figs
Fri, 08/18/2023

A Bag of Figs

I saw a lot of strange and amazing things growing up around the world, but one thing I rarely saw was my mother’s appreciation when presented with…

The YOU Behind the Mask!
Thu, 08/17/2023

The YOU Behind the Mask!

You walk into the Masquerade Ball outfitted in vibrant blue; a green, yellow, and purple Mask over your face, making you unrecognizable. You snake…

The Unexpected Visitor!
Wed, 08/16/2023

The Unexpected Visitor!

Sometimes our plans just don’t work out. In fact, sometimes something so unexpected happens, it throws us completely off the track.

And yes…

The TRUTH Behind the Lie!
Tue, 08/15/2023

The TRUTH Behind the Lie!

What you say: “Everything’s fine!” What you’re thinking: I’m about to lose my job and just had a fight with my son.

What you say: “…

Remembering Chris
Mon, 08/14/2023

Remembering Chris

While meditating a couple of weeks ago, Chris came to mind. The last time I saw him in person was when we were 12, graduating from the sixth grade…

Like a Tree!
Mon, 08/14/2023

Like a Tree!

“Trees in winter lose their leaves. Some trees may even fall during storms, but most stand patiently and bear their fortune.

They endure…

The Suspicious Shadow
Sun, 08/13/2023

The Suspicious Shadow

You come home tired from work, drop your keys in a bowl, and check your phone messages. As you mindlessly listen to a host of insistent…

The Stranger and the Flower!
Fri, 08/11/2023

The Stranger and the Flower!

When I was 17-years-old, my parents asked me to go with them to the market. Preferring to stay home, I resisted. It didn’t do much good, though. I…

The Spark!
Thu, 08/10/2023

The Spark!

When I was in my mid twenties, I went to see the movie Staying Alive. At that time, John Travolta had a six-pack instead of one. The movie was…

The Art of Being a Stone
Mon, 08/07/2023

The Art of Being a Stone

This past Sunday I got a call from a friend clearly in distress. 

“I have to talk to you,” she said with a tone of angst in her voice…

The Span of Life
Mon, 08/07/2023

The Span of Life

The Buddha asked a Shramana, "How long is the human life span?"

He replied, "A few days."

The Buddha said, "You have not yet…

The Sky is Falling...The Sky is Falling!
Fri, 08/04/2023

The Sky is Falling...The Sky is Falling!

These are the people who go around talking about all the bad things that are going on (i.e., the molestations, the mass shootings, the train…

The Side-effects of Wishing!
Thu, 08/03/2023

The Side-effects of Wishing!

“When you wish upon a star Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires Will come to you..."

I think most…

The Servant
Wed, 08/02/2023

The Servant

Recently, the topic of being a People Pleaser (PP) came up in a group discussion. I thought it would be an important topic to address since…

The Rise and Fall of Communication!
Tue, 08/01/2023

The Rise and Fall of Communication!

While we all know how to talk, few of us know how to communicate effectively. We either lack communications skills, or rarely communicate at all…

Mon, 07/31/2023
Sun, 07/30/2023

The Other You!

Recently I watched an episode of Friends on Netflix. It was the one where Monica’s identity is stolen. She starts analyzing her credit card bills…

Smart Phones: The New Drug of Choice!
Sat, 07/29/2023

Smart Phones: The New Drug of Choice!

Smart phones have easily become the new drug of choice. Look around. If Smart phones and texting were a disease, we’d be calling it a pandemic…

Are You Running Towards Something Or Running Away?
Sat, 07/29/2023

Are You Running Towards Something Or Running Away?

It is human nature to be running away from something we don't want to feel or deal with...we all do it. This behavior has been around since the…

The Microwave VS the Oven!
Fri, 07/28/2023

The Microwave VS the Oven!

I think we can all agree on the fact that we love to eat! It’s what we do, not only to keep on living, but to celebrate anything, from a…

The Magical Bank Metaphor (Dr. Claire Milligan)
Thu, 07/27/2023

The Magical Bank Metaphor (Dr. Claire Milligan)

$86,400 -- Something To Think About!

Imagine that you won the following prize in a contest: Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400.00…

The Lookie-Loo!
Wed, 07/26/2023

The Lookie-Loo!

Have you ever been on the freeway, when all of a sudden, without warning, every car starts to slow down? The fact is, we all have. The reason…

The Last Words...
Tue, 07/25/2023

The Last Words...

Some years ago, a daughter and mother had a fight. Not an uncommon scenario. In this story, however, the daughter was so angry that she told her…

Generosity and love
Mon, 07/24/2023

Generosity and love

This pup shares generously and expresses his love freely with his friend who looks nothing like him. A lesson for all creatures…

The Juke Box!
Mon, 07/24/2023

The Juke Box!

THE JUKE BOX SITS IN THE CORNER. It is the first thing you see when you wake up in the morning. The first thing you hear. This morning it’s…

The Good "Mistake!"
Sun, 07/23/2023

The Good "Mistake!"

I was talking to a friend who told me that she and her family were going on a cruise. She then proceeded to tell me that the cruise line had…

The Gold Nugget!
Sat, 07/22/2023

The Gold Nugget!

Have you ever been panning for gold? It is the oldest and simplest way to extract gold.

I see all of you as having an abundance of gold…

The Gift of Misfortune!
Thu, 07/20/2023

The Gift of Misfortune!

A few years back, I was excited to attend the launch of Gregg Hurwitz’s new novel, Don’t Look Back, at Book Carnival in the city of Orange. Gregg…

The "Fortune-less" Fortune Cookie!
Tue, 07/18/2023

The "Fortune-less" Fortune Cookie!

Wow! No fortune? Bummer!

Maybe. Maybe not!

A while back, we decided to get lunch from Pick Up Stix. One of the things to which we…

The First Day!
Mon, 07/17/2023

The First Day!

When my grandchildren were younger I would watch as they get their pictures taken before heading off to their First Day of school. I began to…

The Erasable Pen!
Sun, 07/16/2023

The Erasable Pen!

A few years back, I was at CVS looking for a pen. My favorite pen, the Gel Paper Mate, was out. I was bummed; I really love the smoothness of how…

The ELEPHANT in the Room!
Sat, 07/15/2023

The ELEPHANT in the Room!

“What elephant?” The elephant in the room is that THING—that large issue of which everyone is acutely aware, but of which not a word is said. It’s…

What's the Value of Your Property?
Fri, 07/14/2023

What's the Value of Your Property?

While we were first conceiving Youtropolis, I imagined a safe haven where anyone could receive their own deed of land just for signing up. How…

The Duffel Bag
Fri, 07/14/2023

The Duffel Bag

It’s morning—another beautiful day lies ahead. At least it starts out that way. Your night was restful. You feel refreshed, but it’s short lived…

The Cost of Technology...Is the price too high?
Wed, 07/12/2023

The Cost of Technology...Is the price too high?

Take a look at this couple. Pretty typical, I'd say. I often see people on their phones at restaurants as well as in homes, where families are…

Small but meaningful
Mon, 07/10/2023

Small but meaningful

Something we’ve all grown accustomed to seeing regularly are delivery vehicles from Amazon parked in the middle of the street with their hazard…

The Comfort Zone...Are you in it?
Sun, 07/09/2023

The Comfort Zone...Are you in it?

How are you feeling today? Comfy? Most of us are, for the most part. We generally do nothing that causes us to feel fear or excitement. Nothing…
