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Boxing + Faulty Recall = Positivity
Thu, 08/24/2023

Boxing + Faulty Recall = Positivity

Tim is a client I’ve been working with for more than 20 years. Before Covid, we were in the gym three days a week, and now we train at his home…

Thoughts, Thoughts, and More Thoughts!
Thu, 08/24/2023

Thoughts, Thoughts, and More Thoughts!

There are so many that run through your minds, every day--too many too count. A lot of them are negative; so negative in fact, they ruin your day…

How to Silence a One-upper
Wed, 08/23/2023

How to Silence a One-upper

A few days ago, I took a break from cataloguing books and went outside to a small garden next to the library for a breath of fresh air. 

Things Don't Equal Happiness!
Wed, 08/23/2023

Things Don't Equal Happiness!

If they did, everyone with lots of things and money would be the happiest people in the world. But they’re not. My husband has the opportunity to…

They're Your Shoes! Only You Can Fill Them!
Mon, 08/21/2023

They're Your Shoes! Only You Can Fill Them!

Somewhere along the way, people have gotten the idea that they’re not enough; that they’re missing a piece; and that without that piece they’re…

There Are None More Blind Than...
Fri, 08/18/2023

There Are None More Blind Than...

Being blind isn't just a physical condition that affects the eyes. In fact, there is a worse kind of blindness—ignorance, selfishness, prejudice,…

A Bag of Figs
Fri, 08/18/2023

A Bag of Figs

I saw a lot of strange and amazing things growing up around the world, but one thing I rarely saw was my mother’s appreciation when presented with…

The YOU Behind the Mask!
Thu, 08/17/2023

The YOU Behind the Mask!

You walk into the Masquerade Ball outfitted in vibrant blue; a green, yellow, and purple Mask over your face, making you unrecognizable. You snake…

The Unexpected Visitor!
Wed, 08/16/2023

The Unexpected Visitor!

Sometimes our plans just don’t work out. In fact, sometimes something so unexpected happens, it throws us completely off the track.

And yes…

The TRUTH Behind the Lie!
Tue, 08/15/2023

The TRUTH Behind the Lie!

What you say: “Everything’s fine!” What you’re thinking: I’m about to lose my job and just had a fight with my son.

What you say: “…

Remembering Chris
Mon, 08/14/2023

Remembering Chris

While meditating a couple of weeks ago, Chris came to mind. The last time I saw him in person was when we were 12, graduating from the sixth grade…

Like a Tree!
Mon, 08/14/2023

Like a Tree!

“Trees in winter lose their leaves. Some trees may even fall during storms, but most stand patiently and bear their fortune.

They endure…

The Suspicious Shadow
Sun, 08/13/2023

The Suspicious Shadow

You come home tired from work, drop your keys in a bowl, and check your phone messages. As you mindlessly listen to a host of insistent…

The Stranger and the Flower!
Fri, 08/11/2023

The Stranger and the Flower!

When I was 17-years-old, my parents asked me to go with them to the market. Preferring to stay home, I resisted. It didn’t do much good, though. I…

The Spark!
Thu, 08/10/2023

The Spark!

When I was in my mid twenties, I went to see the movie Staying Alive. At that time, John Travolta had a six-pack instead of one. The movie was…

The Art of Being a Stone
Mon, 08/07/2023

The Art of Being a Stone

This past Sunday I got a call from a friend clearly in distress. 

“I have to talk to you,” she said with a tone of angst in her voice…

The Span of Life
Mon, 08/07/2023

The Span of Life

The Buddha asked a Shramana, "How long is the human life span?"

He replied, "A few days."

The Buddha said, "You have not yet…

The Sky is Falling...The Sky is Falling!
Fri, 08/04/2023

The Sky is Falling...The Sky is Falling!

These are the people who go around talking about all the bad things that are going on (i.e., the molestations, the mass shootings, the train…

The Side-effects of Wishing!
Thu, 08/03/2023

The Side-effects of Wishing!

“When you wish upon a star Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires Will come to you..."

I think most…

The Servant
Wed, 08/02/2023

The Servant

Recently, the topic of being a People Pleaser (PP) came up in a group discussion. I thought it would be an important topic to address since…

The Rise and Fall of Communication!
Tue, 08/01/2023

The Rise and Fall of Communication!

While we all know how to talk, few of us know how to communicate effectively. We either lack communications skills, or rarely communicate at all…

Mon, 07/31/2023
Sun, 07/30/2023

The Other You!

Recently I watched an episode of Friends on Netflix. It was the one where Monica’s identity is stolen. She starts analyzing her credit card bills…

Smart Phones: The New Drug of Choice!
Sat, 07/29/2023

Smart Phones: The New Drug of Choice!

Smart phones have easily become the new drug of choice. Look around. If Smart phones and texting were a disease, we’d be calling it a pandemic…

Are You Running Towards Something Or Running Away?
Sat, 07/29/2023

Are You Running Towards Something Or Running Away?

It is human nature to be running away from something we don't want to feel or deal with...we all do it. This behavior has been around since the…

The Microwave VS the Oven!
Fri, 07/28/2023

The Microwave VS the Oven!

I think we can all agree on the fact that we love to eat! It’s what we do, not only to keep on living, but to celebrate anything, from a…

The Magical Bank Metaphor (Dr. Claire Milligan)
Thu, 07/27/2023

The Magical Bank Metaphor (Dr. Claire Milligan)

$86,400 -- Something To Think About!

Imagine that you won the following prize in a contest: Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400.00…

The Lookie-Loo!
Wed, 07/26/2023

The Lookie-Loo!

Have you ever been on the freeway, when all of a sudden, without warning, every car starts to slow down? The fact is, we all have. The reason…

The Last Words...
Tue, 07/25/2023

The Last Words...

Some years ago, a daughter and mother had a fight. Not an uncommon scenario. In this story, however, the daughter was so angry that she told her…

Generosity and love
Mon, 07/24/2023

Generosity and love

This pup shares generously and expresses his love freely with his friend who looks nothing like him. A lesson for all creatures…

The Juke Box!
Mon, 07/24/2023

The Juke Box!

THE JUKE BOX SITS IN THE CORNER. It is the first thing you see when you wake up in the morning. The first thing you hear. This morning it’s…

The Good "Mistake!"
Sun, 07/23/2023

The Good "Mistake!"

I was talking to a friend who told me that she and her family were going on a cruise. She then proceeded to tell me that the cruise line had…

The Gold Nugget!
Sat, 07/22/2023

The Gold Nugget!

Have you ever been panning for gold? It is the oldest and simplest way to extract gold.

I see all of you as having an abundance of gold…

The Gift of Misfortune!
Thu, 07/20/2023

The Gift of Misfortune!

A few years back, I was excited to attend the launch of Gregg Hurwitz’s new novel, Don’t Look Back, at Book Carnival in the city of Orange. Gregg…

The "Fortune-less" Fortune Cookie!
Tue, 07/18/2023

The "Fortune-less" Fortune Cookie!

Wow! No fortune? Bummer!

Maybe. Maybe not!

A while back, we decided to get lunch from Pick Up Stix. One of the things to which we…

The First Day!
Mon, 07/17/2023

The First Day!

When my grandchildren were younger I would watch as they get their pictures taken before heading off to their First Day of school. I began to…

The Erasable Pen!
Sun, 07/16/2023

The Erasable Pen!

A few years back, I was at CVS looking for a pen. My favorite pen, the Gel Paper Mate, was out. I was bummed; I really love the smoothness of how…

The ELEPHANT in the Room!
Sat, 07/15/2023

The ELEPHANT in the Room!

“What elephant?” The elephant in the room is that THING—that large issue of which everyone is acutely aware, but of which not a word is said. It’s…

What's the Value of Your Property?
Fri, 07/14/2023

What's the Value of Your Property?

While we were first conceiving Youtropolis, I imagined a safe haven where anyone could receive their own deed of land just for signing up. How…

The Duffel Bag
Fri, 07/14/2023

The Duffel Bag

It’s morning—another beautiful day lies ahead. At least it starts out that way. Your night was restful. You feel refreshed, but it’s short lived…

The Cost of Technology...Is the price too high?
Wed, 07/12/2023

The Cost of Technology...Is the price too high?

Take a look at this couple. Pretty typical, I'd say. I often see people on their phones at restaurants as well as in homes, where families are…

Small but meaningful
Mon, 07/10/2023

Small but meaningful

Something we’ve all grown accustomed to seeing regularly are delivery vehicles from Amazon parked in the middle of the street with their hazard…

The Comfort Zone...Are you in it?
Sun, 07/09/2023

The Comfort Zone...Are you in it?

How are you feeling today? Comfy? Most of us are, for the most part. We generally do nothing that causes us to feel fear or excitement. Nothing…

The Eloquence of Tact
Sat, 07/08/2023

The Eloquence of Tact

When I came across the image above, it reminded me of the smiles and delights a happy and tactful conversation can bring about. Not like the other…

What's In Your Wallet
Sat, 07/08/2023

What's In Your Wallet

We've all heard that credit card commercial thousands of times. You know the one delivered by various movie stars who look you right in the eye…

The Clutter in Your Closet!
Fri, 07/07/2023

The Clutter in Your Closet!

If you immediately started thinking about that pair of boots you’ve been meaning to throw out, but keep thinking you’re going to wear one day, or…

The Bright Side!
Thu, 07/06/2023

The Bright Side!

When my son Josh was a young boy, he would try and stare at the sun. Then he'd complain about how his eyes hurt. We would stay, "Stop looking at…

The "Bad" Event!
Wed, 07/05/2023

The "Bad" Event!

Everyone has a "bad" event occur at some point--during the day, the week, the month, etc. But some of you allow the “bad” event, whatever it may…

Patience is the Key!
Mon, 07/03/2023

Patience is the Key!

Thaddeus Thomas didn't see it coming. He knew his wife had a temper, but he didn't expect to die because of it.

In May 21, 2014, Toya…

Stop Trying to Control the Uncontrollable!
Fri, 06/30/2023

Stop Trying to Control the Uncontrollable!

Have you ever noticed that the more you try to control a situation that's out of your control, the more frustrated you become? That's because you…

Someone Wants What You Have!
Mon, 06/26/2023

Someone Wants What You Have!

A while back, I was at Trader Joe's paying for my groceries. The checker, a young woman in her twenties, was making small talk. "Did you find…

From sore to soar
Sun, 06/25/2023

From sore to soar

I was on a call with my mom, and she was telling me how she had been putting in a lot of hours doing yard work, and her muscles were feeling…

Heartfelt Harmony and Jane Fondue
Sun, 06/25/2023

Heartfelt Harmony and Jane Fondue

The light from the bright full moon fell in a river along the top of a placid lake as two lovers held hands. The scent of night blooming jasmine…

Shake, Rattle, and Roll!
Sun, 06/25/2023

Shake, Rattle, and Roll!

When I was working on my B. A. many moons ago, my husband, Joe, got laid off. I was beside myself with worry. How would I finish with no money for…

Take What I Need Not What I Want
Sat, 06/24/2023

Take What I Need Not What I Want

On my visit to Maui in March I struck up a conversation with a 23 year old sales lady where I was shopping. As is my practice when visiting the…

Self-Confidence is the New Sexy!
Sat, 06/24/2023

Self-Confidence is the New Sexy!

So there are the “Beautiful” people, the “Not So Beautiful” people, and the “Less Than Not So Beautiful” people. The NSB people, and the LTNSB…

Pedestal! What Pedestal?
Thu, 06/22/2023

Pedestal! What Pedestal?

When I was in my 30’s and 40’s, I used to look up to an actor and motivational speaker named Richard Hatch. I thought he was incredible and I…

Who Is Your Lamppost?
Wed, 06/21/2023

Who Is Your Lamppost?

Driving down the street it was dark, it was late and I was tired. Getting home was the only thing on my mind.

When I turned on to my…

PADDED CELL, Patient #777 - Vacate Immediately!
Wed, 06/21/2023

PADDED CELL, Patient #777 - Vacate Immediately!

Most of you are familiar with padded cells. You've probably seen them in a movie scene at some point. The "insane" person who's usually not really…

Meet Your New Neighbor, MR. FEAR RAEF!
Tue, 06/20/2023

Meet Your New Neighbor, MR. FEAR RAEF!

On Sunday morning you’re awakened by the sound of a large truck. Groggily, you look out your window and see a huge moving van. The house next door…

If it feels good, it’s gotta be good. Right?
Tue, 06/20/2023

If it feels good, it’s gotta be good. Right?

I don’t know, but I think we’ve come so far in this world that people no longer believe there is right or wrong. Anything goes and everything goes…

Lost in a Fog!
Mon, 06/19/2023

Lost in a Fog!

When I was in high school, just a sweet girl of 17, my dad let me drive the car to school. Looking back now, I seriously don’t know how we made it…

Nobody Respects a Nitpicking Smarty Pants
Mon, 06/19/2023

Nobody Respects a Nitpicking Smarty Pants

I was at a dinner party last week for Librarians on the Go, a group of about a dozen of us that get together every few months to talk about our…

School Books or Bars and Factories?
Sat, 06/17/2023

School Books or Bars and Factories?

It has been a rough and disturbing year politically speaking. Nearly every day, I read something that shocks or stuns me and forces me to wonder…

Consistent Small Acts = Success!
Sat, 06/17/2023

Consistent Small Acts = Success!

Most of us want to accomplish something; do something that will make us feel successful in life. But sometimes the steps to get there seem…

"One day, when I__________, I'll__________."
Fri, 06/16/2023

"One day, when I__________, I'll__________."

When you what? When you finish school? When you get a better paying job? When you've paid off that loan? When you have a bigger house? When your…

A New Perception of Perfection
Thu, 06/15/2023

A New Perception of Perfection

I enjoy watching House Hunters on HGTV and seeing prospective buyers search for their new homes which also gives me a glimpse of cities I may…

The Rooster Teaches Me Humility!
Thu, 06/15/2023

The Rooster Teaches Me Humility!

I have a little wooden rooster that sits on a step stool in the kitchen. I’ve had it for years. Unfortunately, dogs, kids, people, mops, etc.,…

What a smile can bring
Wed, 06/14/2023

What a smile can bring

I had to renew my driver’s license this year, and I was pleasantly surprised by how my new photo looked. Instead of eyes halfway opened and an…

Imitation...the greatest form of flattery?
Tue, 06/13/2023

Imitation...the greatest form of flattery?

“ . . . nobody wants a phony. Nobody ever wants a counterfeit coin.” ~Paul Boynton

It’s often said that imitation is the greatest…

Be Like a Detective!
Mon, 06/12/2023

Be Like a Detective!

Recently, I switched purses to a cross-body because I was going to be doing a lot of walking and didn't want to keep adjusting the strap on my…

How To Be a Master of Delightful Repartee
Sat, 06/10/2023

How To Be a Master of Delightful Repartee

“To my taste, the most fruitful and natural exercise of our minds is conversation. I find the practice to be one of the most delightful…

"It is what it is!
Sat, 06/10/2023

"It is what it is!

But does it have to be?

I’ve heard this phrase often. Someone tells me about a situation they’re in, and then follow it with, “It is what…

Signs of Aging...
Fri, 06/09/2023

Signs of Aging...

I don’t know of any human, animal, or thing that does not show signs of aging with the passage of time. It’s an indication of life. Of life…

Invest in Yourself: Give!
Thu, 06/08/2023

Invest in Yourself: Give!

Do you want to feel happy, full of joy, satisfied? It’s quite simple—GIVE!

There’s nothing more uplifting than Giving, providing support to…

Just An Illusion...
Tue, 06/06/2023

Just An Illusion...

Illusions! They seem so real, don't they? That's why you believe them. That's why magicians can captivate and hold an audience's attention. They…

If Worrying Were a Currency, You'd All Be Rich!
Mon, 06/05/2023

If Worrying Were a Currency, You'd All Be Rich!

You all do it! Worry, that is. You all entertain those thoughts, images, or emotions, usually negative in nature, about some potential catastrophe…

If Only We Could All Be Like Starlings!
Sun, 06/04/2023

If Only We Could All Be Like Starlings!

Scrolling through YouTube, I happened to see a video of the starling murmuration. I was enthralled, amazed, in awe, that anything like that was…

"I'll Start on Monday..."
Fri, 06/02/2023

"I'll Start on Monday..."

“I’m going to write my paper, on Monday.” “I’m going to start my diet, on Monday.” “I’m going to quit smoking, on Monday.” “I’ll…

Are You Getting High on the Sound of Your Voice?
Thu, 06/01/2023

Are You Getting High on the Sound of Your Voice?

“There can be no doubt of all the accomplishments prized in modern society that of being agreeable in conversation is the very first.” J.P…

"I Want My Money Back! This Coffee is Too Sweet!"
Thu, 06/01/2023

"I Want My Money Back! This Coffee is Too Sweet!"

A while back, I was talking to a friend of mine who’d been working a food truck at a golf tournament. They were the only truck around where anyone…

"I Love You!"
Wed, 05/31/2023

"I Love You!"

The three most important words to say! The three hardest words to say! The three words most taken for granted! The three words…

"I have a feeling I should..."
Tue, 05/30/2023

"I have a feeling I should..."

Has that ever happened to you? Where a feeling rushes over you like some kind of warning? It does to everyone. You're about to say or do something…

Hurry, Hurry, Catch That Thief!
Sun, 05/28/2023

Hurry, Hurry, Catch That Thief!

The Stolen Laptop, Part I

Several years back, I went to South Carolina with my son and grandson to visit family. Because I wanted to be…

7 Golden Rules Billionaires Use to Grow an Empire
Fri, 05/26/2023

7 Golden Rules Billionaires Use to Grow an Empire

Beneath their wealth, billionaires are not necessarily all exceptional people. Few, if any, will go from commoner to overnight success. But they…

Having More Money Won't Make You Rich!
Fri, 05/26/2023

Having More Money Won't Make You Rich!

So often I’ve heard people say, “If I had money, all my problems would be solved.” Or, “If I won the Lotto, I’d be able to help so many people.”…

Talking Refrigerator Needs a Gag Order!
Tue, 05/23/2023

Talking Refrigerator Needs a Gag Order!

One of the things I love about being a librarian is you can tell people to be quiet when they are talking and they have to listen (or comply). I…

For Better of For Worse...
Tue, 05/23/2023

For Better of For Worse...

Or more realistically, “Until you do something I don’t like.”

A while back, I attended the beautiful wedding of a young couple in their…

Flight #727 Ready for Takeoff!
Mon, 05/22/2023

Flight #727 Ready for Takeoff!

You are the Pilot of Flight #727. Everyone and everything that needs to be on that flight, is. Everything is loaded and ready to go. The control…

Fear of Rejection or Rejecting Opportunity?
Sun, 05/21/2023

Fear of Rejection or Rejecting Opportunity?

Recently I had a conversation with a young woman who told me she had an interest in someone but was afraid to ask him to hang out. When I asked…

From Buzz Lightyear, with love!
Sat, 05/20/2023

From Buzz Lightyear, with love!

I’ve been going to my chiropractor for a number of years and a recent visit to his office came with an admirable story about a father’s love. At…

DOUBT...The Silent Killer!
Sat, 05/20/2023

DOUBT...The Silent Killer!

Client had a recent situation come up with her BF and it upset her enough that we needed to address it today. Her BF went to dinner with a friend…

Don't Be an Unreasonable Political Animal
Fri, 05/19/2023

Don't Be an Unreasonable Political Animal

A friend moved back to town who I hadn’t seen since she graduated college. She was married now and I was eager to meet Troy, her new husband. I…

Be You Unapologetically!
Fri, 05/19/2023

Be You Unapologetically!

Dot-Marie Jones is a woman. At first glance, however, if you're not paying close enough attention, you might think she's a man.

I first saw…

Dope on a Rope!
Thu, 05/18/2023

Dope on a Rope!

A criminal committed a crime. (Because hey, that’s what criminals do.) Anyway, he was sent to the king for his punishment. The king told him he…

The Inner Citadel or Little Realm of Your Own
Wed, 05/17/2023

The Inner Citadel or Little Realm of Your Own

To a librarian the term “inner citadel” could mean a few different things. It could be what I like to call the inner sanctum of the library—a…

Work Hard, But Don't Kill Yourself in the Process!
Wed, 05/17/2023

Work Hard, But Don't Kill Yourself in the Process!

“Mary Jane” has been an excellent employee most of her life. She has worked hard, has gone above and beyond the call of duty, traveled three weeks…

Don’t Believe the Mirror!
Tue, 05/16/2023

Don’t Believe the Mirror!

You’re getting ready to go out, and step in front of the mirror. Sadly, that’s when the dissection begins. You immediately focus on:

• The…

Tue, 05/16/2023


Sentido es decir Sentido significa

"Lo que adentro se disuelve afuera se resuelve"

Cuando tu cambias, aunque nada cambie, todo…
