The bumpy path to success can pay off


Looks can be deceiving. What looks like a good job may not feel so good when you’re the one doing it. That’s exactly how John Disselkamp felt. His life working in a bank looked great, but to him, something was missing.

Inspired by a former client who had a successful cleaning business, John gave up his banking job, moved in with his mother, and began working on his plan to start his own cleaning business.

Intuitively he knew that learning the business from the ground up was the place to start, so he took a job as a janitor. He may have been a savvy banker, but it was soon revealed how much he didn’t know about the cleaning business.

John’s path led him from his secure banking job to the insecure world of starting his own business. There were bumps and pitfalls along the way, but he now owns First Class Commercial Cleaning in Louisville, KY, which employs 330 people and nets $10 million a year. John achieved his success with the help of others and continues to foster his people-first philosophy with his employees.

Enjoy reading about his path to success here:

Present Valley

I love stories like this. John is a great example of humility and having the courage to leave the comforts of the familiar to follow his intuition even when life got bumpy.

Thank you for bringing his journey to Youtropolis.


In my experience, it's the bumps in life that teach us the most, including what we're made of. We can say the road to success is long and arduous. But I prefer to narrow the lens way down to focus in on the ongoing success that happens moment by moment as we overcome a tough challenge, meet a new deadline, make a partner or employee feel valued, or receive praise from someone who values our business. It's those successes that likely kept John from throwing in the towel on his most difficult days.


Wise words, thank you