Civic Center
I Wish Things Were Different!

All of us have said it,
"I wish that hadn't happened."
"I kick myself for having said that!"
"I regret ever buying into his lies."
I'm sure you have your own things that you've said or done and wish with all your might that they'd never happened. But so? Will that change the past? Will that change what you said or did? Absolutely not.
Feeling sorry for yourself and constantly wishing things were different, doesn't change any situation. In fact, it increases your suffering in leaps and bounds. Once something happens, you have to get to a place of acceptance. You have to remember, you are only fighting yourself, your thoughts. The event has passed.
Imagine eating a meal that didn't sit right with you; that made you sick. You can wish all you want that you hadn't eaten it, but you did. You can't uneat it. All you can do is not eat the same meal again. Learn from your mistake and move on.
Stop wanting things to be different than they are. Wishing won't make it so. Only action. And sometimes there are no actions to reverse something that's already happened.
So accept the situation. And move on. Stop looking back. There's nothing there for you to see.
Good advice!
100% correct. We can't undo anything, just learn from it. Great reminder; thanks!
Nope, we certainly can't undo anything. All we can do is do better.
Well Street
This is a lesson we've all faced, maybe several times over.
Looking back at a situation with regret and getting stuck there breeds feelings of victimhood and powerlessness.
It may not be easy, but your advice of learning from the experience by examining how not to repeat it is the way to go.
Thank you for posting.
You're very welcome! It's a great reminder for us all. It's not always easy, but it certainly is important if we want to have a good quality of life.