Change ...


Is there something in your life you'd like to change? For most of us, there's usually something with which we are unhappy; something that we'd like to change about ourselves, or our lives. But sometimes those changes can feel overwhelming so we do nothing. And our unease continues. And all that we have the energy, if that, is to complain about our situation. Or maybe obsesses about the possibility of change somewhere down the line. Neither does much to change anything.

Keep in mind that change does not come over night. In fact, sometimes it takes days, weeks, even months to change something. Let's take for instance, our bodies. Suppose you want to change the way you look; maybe build more muscle and alter your appearance. Will one trip to the gym and a set of biceps do the trick? The answer, is of course, obvious. It will take monthly trips to the gym and an insane amount of reps to alter your appearance.

Everything else is the same way. It takes time. Don't be surprised if sometimes it takes years. So, what to do ...

Take it one breath at a time. That's all we have anyways, right? Be in the moment and ask yourself, what I can I do in the next breath, then do it. Don't worry about the outcome; that's down the line. Just focus on what you have to do with the current breath. With enough breaths you will see the change you want.

And remember ... don't stop breathing!


So true! Congratulate yourself on the little changes that will eventually lead to a big change. Don't criticize yourself; instead give yourself hugs for the work you're doing. It will pay off!



One breath at a time. Excellent reminder. Thank you.


That's all we have anyway, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not : )

Well Street

The gym analogy goes well with your message of not worrying about outcomes and focusing instead on the controllables—our actions.

Thank you for posting. I, for one, can never get enough reminders to be mindful and breathe in the moment.


Everything you say is true. Unassailably true. A thoughtful reminder that when the going gets tough, most people grumble about it and often give up. But Rome was not built in a day, and the Sistine Chapel was not painted overnight.

Aside from all the other good advice in this post and comments, remember that as you move toward your goal, you are building emotional muscles such as patience, perseverance, and grit. Stick with it. It's just a matter of time.❤️


Yes, building emotional muscles is right on. Many head to the gym to work their bodies, but forget working the very important muscle that is invisible to most.


Wilsons Grave

Thanks for the reminder. Life asks us to change and forces it when we don't. What in life doesn't grow and change? As you say, managing change is possible only one breath at a time. But people are in a hurry and too often rewarded for leapfrogging over the time change requires. Everything's a hack today which is why people fail or resort to stealing catalytic converters. The easy way out delivers the quickest payday, sad to say.