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Sat, 04/08/2023

Be Clear on What You Clear

  Slipstream’s story about when she was a little girl and her mother asked her to spray the leaves off her prize house plant and…

Get a leg up
Fri, 04/07/2023

Get a leg up

Did you play hopscotch as a kid? I can remember how easy it was to repeatedly hop on one leg without falling and faceplanting on concrete. Many…

There's a rumor going around
Thu, 04/06/2023

There's a rumor going around

There’s a rumor going around in my neighborhood that Marybeth, the local librarian, took her pantyhose off in the middle of the day while stacking…

There's a Piece of Food Stuck in Your Teeth!
Thu, 04/06/2023

There's a Piece of Food Stuck in Your Teeth!

I don’t think there’s a soul out there who hasn’t experienced the embarrassment of having eaten and gotten a piece of spinach or black bean stuck…

Up for Parole? Approved!
Wed, 04/05/2023

Up for Parole? Approved!

People make mistakes. The saying, “People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones,” was created for a reason. Everyone messes up at some…

Don't Sneer at Nonsense
Tue, 04/04/2023

Don't Sneer at Nonsense

Several years ago, I frequented library book sales and antique bookstores, always arriving early and eager to find something different and…

What the hawks brought
Tue, 04/04/2023

What the hawks brought

My client, Todd lives on a private road off Sunset Boulevard in Southern California. When pulling onto his road, it’s like entering a forest with…

Mon, 04/03/2023

Life is really simple, really...

The Untethered Soul, by Michael A. Singer, is one of my all-time favorite books. In the YouTube excerpt I've posted, he will teach you how to…

A Run-in With Yourself!
Sun, 04/02/2023

A Run-in With Yourself!

The tunnel is long and dark. You’ve been traveling for a while now wondering where it’s leading you. Every step you take feels heavy, exhausting…

Letting go is the way to go
Fri, 03/31/2023

Letting go is the way to go

Ben is a 75-year-old client living near Aspen and has been skiing for decades. During our online training session, Ben said, “I’ve learned that…

Is Anger a Constant Companion?
Thu, 03/30/2023

Is Anger a Constant Companion?

How Short is Your Fuse?

Or perhaps the fuse of someone you know? It seems like everywhere you turn, there they are—the ANGRY people! The…

Can you take a compliment?
Sat, 03/25/2023

Can you take a compliment?

A few years ago I was in a training session with my client, Lawrence. During a rest break between exercises, he asked me where I went to…

Thu, 03/23/2023

How well do you communicate?

When I was about six or seven, my mom took her prized philodendron outside and asked me to “squirt the leaves off.” Apparently, I gave her a…

"Bad" can pay off
Mon, 03/20/2023

"Bad" can pay off

Sanatana’s “We’ll see…” post stimulated several of my “we’ll see” memories. One in particular came to mind I’d like to share.  I was hired as an…

Whose Glass Slippers?
Sat, 03/18/2023

Whose Glass Slippers?

Who isn’t familiar with the story of Cinderella—the girl who was essentially treated as a maid by her stepmother and stepsisters?


Sat, 03/18/2023

How do you love your ‘neighbor’?

Of all the teachings of my faith. The one that seems mentioned often is to ‘love thy neighbor’ - and it is the most difficult of all the teachings…

Wed, 03/15/2023

Need some capital for your business?

A couple of months into the Covid lockdown a former client, Diana, contacted me hoping we could begin working together again. She was in a tough…

Blinding Beauty: Beyond Skin and Bones!
Fri, 03/10/2023

Blinding Beauty: Beyond Skin and Bones!

Recently I came upon an article about an incredible woman by the name of Lizzie Velasquez. When I read her story, I was so inspired, I felt…

A Gun with a Silencer!
Fri, 03/03/2023

A Gun with a Silencer!

Silence can be deafening.

There is nothing louder than the silent treatment; nothing more uncomfortable, and abusive (other than physical…

Laughter is medicine
Fri, 03/03/2023

Laughter is medicine

” Trouble knocked at the door, but hearing laughter, hurried away.”—Ben Franklin

On a TV show I was watching, one of the characters said “…

A Real Life Barbie!
Thu, 03/02/2023

A Real Life Barbie!

A Real Life Barbie? I Don’t Think So!

At what point did it become okay to look like a doll?

I’ve always thought that dolls were…

Life Lessons From a 2 x 4 x 8 Piece of Wood
Mon, 02/20/2023

Life Lessons From a 2 x 4 x 8 Piece of Wood

I had no idea what I was getting myself into when Jiri, my strength coach, asked me to walk barefoot on a 2 x 4 x 8 piece of wood to improve my…

Mon, 02/20/2023


A lot of people don't like change. They consider it scary. After all, when change comes, it often disrupts the safe little life that has been…

Put down the shovel. Have a piece of pie.
Tue, 02/14/2023

Put down the shovel. Have a piece of pie.

There’s a lot that goes on inside my head these days. Sometimes it feels like a wood chipper breaking down hard news instead of old branches…like…

Shifting Views
Sun, 02/12/2023

Shifting Views

Life lessons reveal themselves in such surprising ways. Recently I had horizontal blinds installed in my dining room to replace the existing…

Gratitude for what we no longer need
Fri, 02/10/2023

Gratitude for what we no longer need

I’m often looking for something I’ve missed or overlooked when it comes to expressing gratitude. Today, I ran across a couple of Hawaiian shirts…

Asking for Help
Sat, 02/04/2023

Asking for Help

Yesterday I heard an alarming statistic.....61% of people in America believe they have no one to call if they need help. That is sad and…

Care Instructions
Sat, 02/04/2023

Care Instructions

Walking around the garden center at Home Depot I noticed all those little pieces of paper with care instructions in most of the flower pots. Sun…

When you start to peter out lesson plan
Sat, 02/04/2023

When you start to peter out lesson plan

I have a sturdy battery-operated hedge trimmer. It gets the job done when bushes get ratty looking. But yesterday it wasn’t doing such a good job…

Re-defining Self-Care:  Part 3
Tue, 01/31/2023

Re-defining Self-Care: Part 3

Part 3 describes two of my favorite quick and effective ways to repair and regulate the autonomic nervous system. I like to keep interventions…

Re-defining Self-Care:  Part 2
Tue, 01/31/2023

Re-defining Self-Care: Part 2

Part 2 of this series will give a brief explanation of the autonomic nervous system's two branches. The sympathetic nervous system known as…

Re-defining Self-Care: Part 1
Tue, 01/31/2023

Re-defining Self-Care: Part 1

My guess is your life may be similar to mine these last 3 years. I was dealing with some health issues, then my husband died, the pandemic…

Resistance to Change
Sun, 01/29/2023

Resistance to Change

This year I wanted to start writing again even though it's been a long time. I got very excited about the topics of interest and the end result…

There truly is a purpose for it all.
Tue, 01/17/2023

There truly is a purpose for it all.

Here’s something I’ve been thinking about…

Life seems to put us on a road. I don’t mean a physical road or even the ground we walk on. It’s…

Love comes to football.
Tue, 01/10/2023

Love comes to football.

American football is one of the more violent sports that America has to offer. It results in dozens of injuries every season, and in years past…

Open a "Feel Good About Me" account.
Thu, 12/29/2022

Open a "Feel Good About Me" account.

I had a really cool experience recently that I want to share. I received a call from a client who was vacationing in Australia. He makes the trip…

Love thy neighbor, but first thyself!
Thu, 12/22/2022

Love thy neighbor, but first thyself!

A familiar passage from the bible tells us to “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” It’s a well-intentioned but flawed instruction because it assumes…

Reduced stress may be a breath away!
Sun, 12/11/2022

Reduced stress may be a breath away!

In a few of my articles, I’ve talked about the impact that deep breathing has on reducing stress. A recent opportunity to practice what I preach…

How to tame your inner Mr. Hyde while driving.
Fri, 12/09/2022

How to tame your inner Mr. Hyde while driving.

My friend, Anthony, is very mellow and always has a calm demeanor, so I asked him if there were situations or circumstances that riled him up. He…

Wed, 12/07/2022

Can you believe your dream is possible?

If you can, or even if you can't, this talk by Mary Morrissey could give you the inspiration you need to get off the starting blocks…

Be the lifeline
Wed, 12/07/2022

Be the lifeline

Imagine you've been having a great time cruising through life. Suddenly there's a storm; a category 5. This storm knocks you off your feet and…

Who will you liberate?
Tue, 12/06/2022

Who will you liberate?

Acts of love and true caring have forever liberated the human spirit from despair, tragedy, and hopelessness.

In Youtropolis, acts of love…

A call to open our minds!
Wed, 11/23/2022

A call to open our minds!

Recently, I connected with an old friend who I hadn’t spoken to in a while. Rather than having a good time, I struggled to be open-minded toward…

Yesterday’s Light
Tue, 11/22/2022

Yesterday’s Light

How many of us go through life thinking about yesterday? Having regrets about things we did, shouldn't have done, or could have done differently?…

Perils of People Pleasing
Sun, 11/06/2022

Perils of People Pleasing

I meet with one of my personal training clients, Lisa, at a gym that’s in her apartment building, and since the start of the pandemic, there’s…

It's all about how we respond!
Sat, 10/29/2022

It's all about how we respond!

Monica is my cousin who was recently hospitalized with a number of serious and simultaneous conditions—gall stones, sepsis, and pneumonia. While…

Wed, 10/19/2022

Faith and Optimism

Have you ever known someone whose outlook on life makes you feel like you should take a page out of their book? A person I know who leaves me…

Are you destined for success?
Wed, 10/05/2022

Are you destined for success?

Many years ago, before the advent of google maps, an employer fired me for arriving a few minutes late to a meeting twice. Both times, an…

The Crime of Self-Acceptance
Mon, 10/03/2022

The Crime of Self-Acceptance

My client, Robert, routinely engages in something that society typically frowns on, and some people believe it’s simply wrong to do. The crime…

The Perfection of Imperfection
Wed, 09/28/2022

The Perfection of Imperfection

Perfect or Flawed? What would you say if asked? If you were to describe yourself to someone who was blind, or didn't have Zoom, or was on the…

"If You Don't Puke"
Mon, 09/26/2022

"If You Don't Puke"

There’s a neighborhood gym that I drive by a couple of times each week, and one day while at a red light, I noticed a couple of signs that they…

Fri, 09/23/2022

How to start a business without venture capital

Here's a good, quick explanation on starting a business without a lot of money…

A surprise from my inner child!
Wed, 09/21/2022

A surprise from my inner child!

In the days before television, the main form of entertainment was the radio. There were all sorts of programs that included music, dramas,…

Want Different Results? Do Something Different.
Thu, 09/15/2022

Want Different Results? Do Something Different.

Do you find yourself complaining that you’re in a rut? You might be right. Take a look at what you’re doing. Are you living each day in the same…

Love is a Many Splendored Thing
Thu, 09/08/2022

Love is a Many Splendored Thing

Love...it's the grandest, isn't it? Movies, songs, poetry, all talk about love. "It trumps hate," they say, "It conquers all," they say. Perhaps…

The power of solace
Wed, 09/07/2022

The power of solace

Recently, in a moment of quiet, the word “solace” came into my mind. This is not a word I normally use, so I thought I should pay attention and…

Sun, 09/04/2022

Get some life balance! Key Number 5

“What challenges am I going to overcome?”

The path toward positive change is never a straight line, and comes with obstacles that can…

Thu, 09/01/2022

Give Advice Vs. "Guide" Advice

As a health and wellness coach, one of my primary roles is to assist clients in creating a blueprint that will help them adopt consistent quality…

Wed, 08/31/2022

Get Some Life Balance! Key 4: Your Strengths

“What strengths, talents and abilities do I draw on?”

At some point when we were in school, we learned of Sir Isaac Newton’s Law that…

Mon, 08/29/2022

Get Some Life Balance. Key Number 3: Motivation

"What Are My Motivators?"

As a health coach and fitness trainer, I've heard many motivating factors from people when it comes to wanting to…

Sat, 08/27/2022

Get Some Life Balance! Key Number 2

The Second Key to Overcoming Balance Interuptus — Your Desired Behaviors. "What actions do I want to take consistently?”

My client, Joyce,…

Sat, 08/27/2022

Get Some Life Balance! Key Number 1

When I began working in the fitness and wellness industry more than 20 years ago, the general public’s understanding of the term “wellness” was…

Thu, 08/25/2022

Plan To Succeed

When it comes to integrating positive lifestyle changes, it's necessary to create a plan of action. All too often, people focus only on the end…

Thu, 08/25/2022

Do Your Eyes A Favor

Anyone who has spent a few hours sitting at a computer is familiar with the burning, scratchy feeling you get in your eyes. There's a lesser…

Wed, 08/17/2022

From side hustle to full time fun

Jocelyn Elizabeth, a.k.a. Crazy Lamp Lady, left her full-time corporate marketing work for this fun job that started as a side hustle. Her days…

Thu, 03/31/2022

"Passion can change the world."

Thought of as one of the most brilliant and innovative people of modern times, Steve Jobs shares his views on success. A helpful compass for…
