Civic Center
Why Do Republicans Only Care About Saving Fetuses?

On October 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock, a high-rolling casino gambler, pointed a gun outfitted with a bump stock at a crowd of concertgoers and fired more than a thousand rounds. Aiming from the window of his Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino suite, he unleashed a massacre at the Route 91 music festival, killing 60 people and injuring over 400. Public outrage led to the ban of bump stocks by the US Justice Department.
On Friday, the same justices who upended Roe v. Wade on the premise of protecting innocent lives, reversed the bump stock ban, putting machine guns back into the hands of disgruntled, ax-to-grind, insane, Americans.
The psychopathy of their decision could not be more clear. They simply don’t see the value of life unless it is still germinating, non-viable, and unborn.
Last night, I laid awake mulling this question around: How on earth did this nation’s highest arbiters of justice justify limiting a woman’s access to an abortion but not a potential murderer’s access to an automatic weapon?
I wondered if anyone else is asking this question. Or wondering why our society is now labeling women “murderers” even if an abortion is the only thing that will save their life. And yet men are awarded a powerful weapon to facilitate a planned killing spree. I mean, who else would need a bump stock?
Are the justices just narrow-minded, ignorant of truth, adherents to a false biblical doctrine, or corrupted in servitude to those who landed them the job?
Whatever may be the cause, it sounds like they gathered in a room, maybe Ginny Thomas’ living room, and discussed how making America great again depends on birthing a new bumper crop of unwanted babies, and simultaneously enabling the efficient killing of concert-goers, mall shoppers, air travelers, and even school children.
What could have led these “Christian” justices to go astray? Certainly, not God.
The bible has never been clear on when life begins, but has made clear when it ends…at least on this plane. Throughout the history of Christianity there has never been a consensus on when life begins. According to the Old Testament, life is the breath of God, so in Judaism life begins when the head of a baby emerges from the womb and takes its first breath.
The justices either don’t know this history or don’t care. They even ignore the science that proves life is a self-sustaining process. A fertilized egg is not self-sustaining. Most religions accept this, and even our predecessors who lived during biblical times seemed to know this.
So why would the high court’s conservative justices conclude they know better than God?
When a mother suffers a miscarriage, don’t the religious among us offer condolences with comforting words such as “It was God’s will”? Millions of longed-for pregnancies end in miscarriages every single year, far outnumbering abortions. Does this make God a murderer, too, then? Or, perhaps, a mass murderer?
Despite what they profess, our conservative justices can’t truly believe in God. Otherwise, how could they gift Americans with the wherewithal to kill hundreds of people as quickly as possible? And how could they deny any woman the free will that God grants us all?
But it’s not just these justices who deny women their rights and dignity. Earlier Friday evening I saw Mark Robinson, the frontrunner in North Carolina’s Gubernatorial campaign, bluntly state, “For me there’s no compromise on abortion. It makes no difference to me why or how that child ended up in that womb. Abortion in this country is not about protecting the lives of mothers, it’s about killing a child because you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down. It’s not your body anymore.”
So there you have it. It makes no difference if you were raped, bad girl! You failed in your duty to fight off the ****** and keep your skirt down. Besides, you don’t own your body anymore.
Really? This language sounds like hate speech to me—the kind that could only come from a dyed in the wool misogynist who’s hell bent on crushing every woman’s spirit.
If God means well—and I’m certain the love of heaven is more benevolent than any of us can fathom—it would move the highest court in our land to end gun violence and even restore a woman’s divine right to choose and act on her own free will. But the conservatives who sit on that court are either not attuned to the will of God, or are following their own free will in serving their biggest donors’ political interests.
This article was amazing. So well written and right on point.
I ask myself all those questions and come up empty handed.
What is wrong with people???
Thank you. Catholics shouldn't be running this country or our Supreme Court. There needs to be a more logical discussion about the undue influence of Christianity in our multi-cultural society and more reminders about the necessity and reasons for a separation of church and state.
There should also be ongoing protests outside the Supreme Court to call continuous attention to the absurdities of the legal opinions and the corruption of conservative justices. It's the only way to get the highest court back onto its stable footing.
Supreme Court needs term limits. They are currently bought by those who want the Handmaids Tale to become true
I don't see that happening in my lifetime, but I agree. I also saw a video of some religious influencer saying that when we become a Christian nation (theocracy) women must lose their right to vote because otherwise we could not remain a Christian nation. This is their ultimate goal.
I would say that you're right on both accounts—they are not attuned to the will of God AND they are following their own free will in serving their biggest donors’ political interests. They should be removed and prosecuted when they're caught taking bribes. But sadly, we're in a time of cheaters being rewarded and praised. I don't get it...
The only way that this trend will change is if people put their foot down, protest loudly and firmly, and campaign to end the obvious moral corruption and political influence currently running the supreme court. If we remain silent, they will continue to get their way, and at the end of their tenure America will look more like Afghanistan run by Isis and the Taliban.
Well Street
The Constitution and modern-day interpretation of the founding fathers' vision for America are heavily considered in many Supreme Court rulings, supposedly. Perhaps the conservative justices share a belief that guns played a more crucial role than did women in the liberation of the Colonies from England, therefore, access to the deadliest of firearms is of far greater importance than women's rights.
There are many who profess to be Christian who are adept at un-Christian behaviors and actions (televangelists like Jim Baker, Jerry Falwell, and Jimmy Swaggart come to mind). However, the abortion and bump-stock rulings of the super-majority are already doing more harm to our country than any TV preacher could. These justices belong in a league of their own.
Thank you for another fantastic (though chilling) article.
Yes on everything you say. Your thought about the American Revolution and guns may also be about their desire to install a Christian form of government and needing to arm the MAGA men with machine guns to achieve their desired outcome of a real Gilead.