Civic Center
Adversity Is Our Teacher!

What?! Adversity? Our teacher? No way.
While it feels like a contraction, adversity is very much our teacher. Think about this ... what exactly do you learn from sitting on your well-worn sofa, eating buttered popcorn, and downing it down with a soda? Not much. And no, you don't learn about adversity by watching your favorite characters, on your favorite TV shows and movies as they go through divorces, get diagnosed with a rare illnesses (that some amazing doctors diagnoses and cures because he's thinking outside the box), plane crashes where they are the only survivor and survive. No, that's not adversity. That's entertainment. Maybe you sit on your couch and thank your lucky stars you weren't on that plane, or that you haven't been diagnosed with some rare illness, or that your spouse hasn't filed for divorce. At least not yet. But life is short, my friend. Any of those things, even several of those things, can happen to us. And I can bet you, they will teach us something.
Before you go and think, "God, what a negative Nancy," stop. First off, my name's not Nancy, but that's not the point. Bad things happen to all of us. No one goes unscathed.
I invite you to think back ... as far back as you can to all the "bad" things that have happened to you. If you're reading this, you obviously survived. I'm willing to bet, that you're better for it. Why? Because you learned something valuable. You were strengthened during that horrible time. You came out on the other side. Am I right?
The most daring and accomplished people on this earth have all undergone tremendous difficulty. And it appears that the more successful they became, the more they attributed their success to the lessons they learned during those challenging times.
When we view adversity as a guide, it's a game changer. While you're going through it, it may not feel too good, but it can and usually does guide you to greater inner growth.
We're on this earth to learn. And learning isn't always easy.
Next time you're faced with a challenge and think, Oh, my God, this is awful, say to yourself. It is awful, but it will pass. I will become better and stronger for it. I will internalize the lessons and make sure I put them to good use.
And then do!
Serenity Township
Great post! So true.
I'm so glad it resonated with you!
I can look back at some of the "horrible" things that happened to me, but they were actually a rescue boat in disguise. I didn't realize at the time that the Universe will turn your life upside down if that's what it takes to pull you out of the quicksand that's swallowing you. Although you think you won't survive, we're all living proof that we do. Thanks for the article. It's a good reminder for us all.
Also, your image is perfect and so funny!
That's exactly what I've experienced. Looking back now ... al the "bad" things that have happened, have made me who I am today and gotten me to this spot. I couldn't be happier with the Universe's choices. Time and time again, we are taught that we survive and are usually better for our negative experiences.
All disasters teach us how to do things the right way instead of taking the usual shortcuts. Usually we get red flags and warnings before the adversity happens. These are red flashing lights, but we often ignore them, thinking we know better. Then the S hits the fan, and we say, "Oh! Lord have mercy! Why did this happen to me?"
The universe is good. It always gives us a heads up. It gives us wisdom, hints, prompts, and good friends who will point out a mistake we might be making. We've all been here if we are human and we can all relate. Great reminder to keep going despite the mess one might be in.
Indeed, we often get lots of warnings, red flags. But we humans have a stupid streak in us. We think we know best. Yeah, right. And in spite of that, we still come out on the other side. The better side.
Present Valley
First of all love the image...been there!!!
Great post and reminder. I agree adversity has been my greatest teacher throughout my life. Learning to deal with life on life's terms, I think that's called reality and becoming stronger through it all.