Civic Center
The Voice in Your Head ...

By now, unless you're a baby, you've noticed that you never have a day off from your thoughts. They're constant. They literally don't allow you to rest. Maybe when you're sleeping. But then again, you may be dreaming about something inspired by your thoughts, and the horrible cycle of "mental occupation" continues.
Have you also noticed that the voice in your head is never content? It always seems to have a problem with something. And on a day that it may not, beware, it will again within hours or days. You can be sure of that.
You will never be free of problems until you are free from your mental voice. As long as you pay attention to each reproachful or worrisome thought that comes along, you will not be free.
And by the way, thoughts are typically not your friends. They are biased and perceived through filters, often created in childhood. You can't trust them. For example, if a thought says, "You're worthless. Give up now before you suffer ignominy." That, there, my friends, is an unskilled thought and full of--to quote a word I recently heard--malarkey.
Let most of the thoughts go right on by. Don't stop to gawk at them like you would some accident on the road that causes untold congestion. In actuality, that's what thoughts do--they cause congestion in your brain, rendering you useless at times while you stop to analyze the looping thoughts swirling around in there.
Free yourself. Here are some ideas ...
1. When an unskilled thought comes in, don't pay attention, just say, "Yeah, yeah ... keep going."
2. Replace it with a positive thought. For example, "You are incompetent! Why are you even trying?" Replace with, "You are amazing for trying. You've got this!"
3. Laugh at it! You may think this one is crazy, but some thoughts are truly ridiculous. They deserve to be laughed at and deleted from your mind altogether.
Give those a try. Clear the clutter from your mind and live more freely!
Thank you, my friend. I needed to hear that. According to the news and my brain, doomsday is right around the corner. I'm trying #1 on your list right now, and it does really help. I'll probably be giving #2 and 3 a try in the next 5 minutes. Thanks again!!
Lately, I do number 3. But, unfortunately many people think I’m crazy. I actually don’t care. I’m finding almost everything humorous these days. Uhoh. Maybe I am!
So exactly what makes them think you're crazy?
Any advice on negative thoughts related to our broken nation?
There is nothing we can do about our broken nation. I'm quickly figuring that out. The more we focus on the brokenness, the more we ignore what's not. Even in the worst of times, there has always be a light. Wrongs have righted themselves. So I say, and I'm saying this to myself as well, to start finding amazing little miracles that are happening around us every day, and steer clear of the things about we can do nothing. The news and social media is all about stating the worst and fear mongering. They are able to achieve exactly what they want. We fall for the bad news every time.
I'm going to start focusing on what's going right instead of wrong.
That's my advice to myself.
That's exactly what I did during my tea time with my invisible council😁...I just said all of the things I am grateful for. Samuel Alito along with Justices Roberts and Thomas were not on the list.
I wish I had something brilliant to say. Crazy, crazy times!
If you don't have anything brilliant to say at the moment, you can speak from your heart. Love is the mightiest form of intelligence.
Well Street
The negative thoughts/traffic jam analogy is spot-on. I'd never considered that the feelings of being weighed down, short-tempered, and frustrated when dealing with the inner voices of negativity are similar to crawling along in traffic.
I'll happily give Step 3 a try. If laughing can help diffuse the intrusive and looping thoughts, I'm on board.
Wilsons Grave
If the voice is negative, I gotta ask myself--is there any truth to this? Am I supposed to learn something? Did I put my foot in my mouth again? If so, I may deserve the chastisement. But if there's no truth to it, I'll call it out as BS because judging myself wrongly is the same as judging the god in me wrongly, too. Can't throw darts at one and not the other.
"The greatest source of our suffering are the lies we tell ourselves."
— Elvin Semrad