Civic Center
start small, take baby steps

You can achieve anything you want by just taking small steps in the beginning and slowly add onto it. Whether its fitness and health, start with a comfortable walk or 5 squats today. Then add on a few more tomorrow. Or with your finances. Start saving a few dollars today then add more tomorrow. Everything will accumulate very quickly and before you know it, you are well on your way to better health and greater wealth. namaste my fam
This is so true. When you try to do too much too soon and fail, you get discouraged. By raising the bar a little bit at a time, success is much more likely. Thanks for this terrific reminder!
This is really good advice because it makes any challenge so much easier. I've tried it with several different types of goals over the years, and it never fails! Hard to believe at first, but when you put it into practice, the results pile up. Thanks for sharing this simple but valuable lesson in truth.
Well Street
Good advice, TZ. We've seen this approach lead to success many times in our industry.
Thank you for the wisdom.