Civic Center
The Waiting Room

We've all been there at one time or another. Sitting in a waiting room for an appointment with someone. Some appointments are initiated by us because of a routine need or circumstance while others are made because of an emergency.
We do our best to arrive on time however we might be running late due to traffic or a meeting that was hard to extricate ourselves from so we walk in anxious. Or we could have had a distressing conversation with someone prior to our appointment and we arrive sad, mad or afraid...basically upset.
Finally we arrive, we get checked in, settle in to our seat hoping to soon be able to start our appointment visit. Lots of things happen in and around us in that waiting room. Mostly what happens is in our minds and our emotions because we aren't good at waiting...and here we wait and we wait. When it feels like we've waited way too long we become impatient, angry, frustrated, bored, anxious, we get grumpy and may even start to feel dread. We look up every time the inner door opens. We try to distract ourselves with cell phones or other reading. That only works for so long. We check our watch.
We decide to check in at the desk to find out how much longer it's going to be and we even have to wait our turn just to ask that question. Depending on the answer, we may even think about leaving and rescheduling...but this same scenario may play out all over again. So we decide to wait.
Finally the door opens and in anxious or frustrated disbelief we hear our name called. At last...we begin the walk down the hallway into the unknown, the uncertainty of the outcome of the appointment. We might tell ourselves at least we're out of the waiting room moving forward.
One of the learning lessons about being in a waiting room is you can't hurry what needs to happen in there. Whether it's literal or metaphorical, it seems to have its own rhythm. And isn't life just full of metaphorical waiting room opportunities! For example, waiting for a broken bone to heal, waiting to hear about a raise or promotion or termination. Waiting for a divorce, waiting for a diagnosis, waiting for the birth of a child...or for me, waiting for my life to move forward after my husband died.
In that metaphorical waiting room life really slows down to provide the opportunity for personal growth as well as spiritual growth if you choose. It's what we do with that time that seems to be most important and relevant. It feels like the task is to soften into the experience, embrace it, accept it, pay close attention to it and then let go of the longing to be elsewhere.
We are being given the time to take a look at ourselves, our thoughts, behaviors, beliefs, ideas and emotions about our experience. If we've had trouble asking others for help we might find ourselves doing that if we need it. Maybe we become more compassionate or kinder or grateful or maybe become angrier and more afraid or anxious. There is so much that can happen for us in our various waiting rooms. I'm not suggesting it's an easy room to be in and it isn't always fun...I think its just necessary for our life journey.
I very much appreciated this piece. It's a good reminder that patience is a virtue. It seems life is a series of passages which require waiting as we move through each one. Going with the flow and learning kindness and acceptance of others and ourselves will make the journey a more pleasant experience. Thank you!
Present Valley
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond and relate
your experience.
Wilsons Grave
Wow. You sure captured the moment of that place we've all been in! I felt like, yeah, right there with you. I sure know the feelings you describe. But I never equated it to waiting for something in life. I wonder, does anyone ever enjoy waiting? If not, how come there's so many lines we voluntarily get into. Movies are the exception. I anticipate being in those lines. As always good article, good thoughts! Thanks for sharing your insightful point of view.
Present Valley
Oh wow right back.
Thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to respond and share how you could relate to the description of the waiting room. That makes my heart so intention is to write about what is relevant and relatable.
Great question about waiting in line...and yes we all do it.
This analogy is so true!
I remember being very impatient growing up. We were always on our way to another country. It was wait for the movers to arrive and pack things up. It was wait at the doctor's office to get the necessary vaccines ahead of time. It was wait to board the cross-Atlantic ship. Wait for the plane or train that would take us to the inland city. Wait to get set up in a new school. Wait for some kids to befriend me.
I don't like waiting, it is one of my greatest frustrations, but life is truly a waiting game. I've finally learned that there is always a divine purpose for any wait. Sometimes other things need to unfold first. Other times it's about recharging my batteries. Often, it's about taking time to focus on others who need support. Thank you for the reminder that unfolds in this beautiful post!
Present Valley
Thank you so much for your kind words and taking the time to share your experiences of waiting...that does sound frustrating.
It makes my heart so happy to hear something I wrote is received as relevant and relatable.
You and recharging your batteries in the same sentence is music to my ears!
Well Street
The waiting room is a great metaphor for those times in life that bring challenge, discomfort, and as you say, opportunities to learn and grow if we choose.
We're in interesting times where technology can bring a myriad of distracting "shiny things" to blunt the waiting room's discomfort temporarily. However, in the long run, this only prolongs the time spent there with little to show.
As always, I appreciate the insights and wisdom your posts bring.
Great article. You hit the nail on the head on what it's like to be in a waiting room. Not only at the doctor's office, but in our lives. It's not easy to wait fo things to happen. We humans are quite impatient. There are some things however, that we just can't hurry along. Thanks for the reminder!