Are you dating a narcissist?


Narcissistic personality disorder is one of the most difficult disorders there is to deal with.

Living with a narcissist is like living in a web. They are the spider and you are the fly.

How do you know you are dating a narcissist? Here are some signs for which to watch:

1. Love bombing

This an emotional manipulation technique that involves giving someone excessive compliments, attention, or affection to eventually control them. It's intense praise, which is often followed by verbal abuse.

2. Gaslighting

This is when the narcissist makes you disbelieve your reality, making you feel like you are crazy. They create doubt and make you second guess yourself.

3. Sabotaging

Narcissists do everything they can to sabotage your relationships with friends and family.

4. The enemy

That's you! Narcissists make you the enemy or the "bad guy" simply for having valid feelings and reactions to things that warrant it.

5. Avoidant

Narcissists constantly lie. If they had noses like Pinocchio, they'd be running into walls. They avoid taking responsibility and are always pointing the finger at someone else.

6. Never at fault

Narcissists are never in the wrong. It's you. And will always be you, or anyone else who happens to be in their periphery. They will never own their mistakes and are quick to place blame.

7. Not interested

Narcissists are interested only in themselves. You are just a tool for them. If you can do something for them, they'll keep you around, but they're not interested in you, only what they can get from you.


Narcissists believe they are entitled to everything. They are owed big time. And if you're with them, you owe them everything.

If you determine you're dating a narcissist, this may be a good time to reassess!


I wonder...what triggers narcissism, or is it an inherited trait? Narcissistic behavior seems to be universal across the board, as if it's a genetic trait that shows up in some families. If that's the case and it's not the person's fault, and since in their mind nothing is ever their fault, and they are the way they are to the point one should avoid a relationship with them, what hope is there for them? Are there remedies, or do they believe they're so perfect they can't even consider they're a narcissist?


I can't imagine being in a relationship with a narcissist. You must hear about it far too often. The information you provided will help anyone that's trapped in such a damaging relationship. Thanks for your insight and knowledge.

Well Street

A friend was involved with such a person, and it took her years to sort through the emotional wreckage and reestablish self-trust and care.

Another friend has been working hard to gain self-worth for who she is at her core, along with other issues stemming from her narcissistic mother.

The information you've provided is valuable; thank you!