Change your focus!


Well Street

I agree that gratitude for things typically taken for granted is healthy and necessary.

I'm grateful for:
1. Easily climbing stairs two at a time.
2. Readily available food and water.
3. The roof over my head.
4. The invaluable love and support of family and friends.


Excellent! Those all wonderful blessings! Thank you for sharing them.


Oh, there are so many things I could list; I am so very blessed and grateful!

1. My loving and awesome son, and my loving long-time, traveling this life, companion.
2. Friends that are family and family that are friends.
3. My 90-year-old aunt who remembers everything and tells family stories from long ago.
4. My fantastic health.
5. My beautiful home, food in the pantry, and filtered water.
6. And so much more!


That's a lot for which to be grateful! Thank you for acknowledging those wonderful gifts and for sharing them with us.


This was a great video, so genuine and spoken from the heart. We do take so much for granted. I am grateful to God for a fortunate life with all the abundance shared and listed in both comments above, and I will add deep gratitude for my vision, insight, and inspiration which combined give me the resources I need to live a purposeful life filled with joy.
