Civic Center
How I'm coping with election disappointment

This election was a gut punch. I had high hopes for a different result, and when it didn’t go the way I’d wanted, it left me feeling angry, discouraged, and honestly, a little lost. I don’t like admitting that—it’s not easy to sit with those emotions. But instead of letting them knock me down, I’m figuring out how to channel that energy into something productive. If you’re feeling the same way, maybe what I’m doing can help.
The first thing I’ve realized is that it’s okay to admit when you’re upset. I’ve spent a lot of time sitting with my disappointment and frustration because shoving it down wasn’t helping. Sometimes I talk it out with someone I trust; other times, I just write things out to get them off my chest. It’s not fun, but it’s better than letting it fester.
The hardest part for me has been watching things play out since the election—seeing decisions made that go against everything I believe in. It’s easy to feel powerless, but I’ve started focusing on what I can do. For me, that’s supporting causes I care about and looking for ways to get involved locally. I don’t have to change the world overnight, but taking action—even in small ways—gives me a sense of purpose.
Handling friends and family who are celebrating the outcome? That’s been tricky. I’ve had to set boundaries. When someone starts gushing about how “great” things are, I’ll politely change the subject or walk away if I need to. It’s not about picking a fight; it’s about protecting my headspace. I’d rather focus on common ground than let politics ruin relationships.
Then there’s the fear of what’s coming next. I’m not going to lie—it still creeps in. But instead of getting stuck in the “what-ifs,” I’ve been working on staying in the moment. Whether that’s getting outside, lifting weights, or diving into a hobby, staying active helps keep my mind from spiraling.
One thing that’s been surprisingly uplifting is the positivity I’ve found on Youtropolis. It’s refreshing to see a community where people are eager to comfort, encourage, and support one another. Being able to express myself in a friendly forum without judgment has been a game changer. It reminds me that there are others out there who feel the same way I do and that we’re all in this together. That kind of connection helps more than I ever expected.
The bottom line? I’m holding on to hope. I remind myself that progress takes time and that we’ve faced tough times before. I may not have control over everything, but I can control how I show up—by staying engaged, staying informed, and refusing to give up.
If you’re feeling the weight of all this, know you’re not alone. Keep your head up, keep moving, and don’t lose sight of what matters. We’ll get through this—and we’ll come out stronger.
I've pretty much buried my head in the sand. My newsfeed is turned off and will stay that way, and I haven't watched the news since the election. Fortunately I don't know anyone who's happy about this so I don't get any woohoo emails, and I intentionally skirt around the gory details of what's actually going on. Of course, I still have a brain and know what's coming down the pike, but your article was very helpful, and I feel better after reading your piece.
Believe me, I get it. We have to stick with the family and friends who also get it. Thanks for commenting.
Serenity Township
Thank you for the suggestion of concentrating on the moment along with a little bit of Zen thinking to get us through these disappointing times.
As difficult as it may be, I hope you find peace and calm. Thanks for commenting.
Thank you for sharing your heartfelt thoughts. I appreciate hearing about your process and the wisdom that's come through for you. There will be disturbing changes in this country as the new administration guts the pillars of our society—everything from the guardrails of our legal system to the guardrails erected by our foreign policy—leaving us standing on just one unbalanced clown's leg. Those who are celebrating will get a harsh wakeup call when the reality hits. So, yes, Youtropolis will be here ready to welcome them into a new kind of safety net, one that embraces truth, compassion, and loving support for anyone who needs it.
I know I can find understanding and support here. A safe haven in troubled times. Thanks for your comment.
Well Street
Spending time with pen and paper to get our thoughts and feelings out of the spiral of rumination sounds like a great strategy. The benefits of abstaining from the news can't be overstated, as well.
I agree that the support from the Youtropolis community is a gift that keeps on giving.