Always stay alert. Be aware of your surroundings. But most of all, pay attention to your intuitive feelings…
So I ended up painting. Still a work in progress, but it served its purpose…
Remember ... your value does not decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth. You might not feel worthy, you might not think you are…
We often aim to accumulate more and more stuff thinking that it will make us happier, our lives more richer. But does it really? Or does it just…
Acknowledge that the thoughts in your mind (about 60,000 per day) aren't facts. Just because you have a thought, doesn't make it true. Observe…
Have you ever been certain of something only to find out that you were wrong? Well, what if you were to ask yourself, "Am I sure?" Maybe if you…
Don't be afraid to be yourself. Be afraid not to. You don't deserve to be someone else's double!…
Hey guys!
This is the new video for my book! Enjoy! Oh ... and get yourself a copy!…
I don't know about you all, but this has been an extremely sad and disappointing day for me.
The country is now in the hands of someone…
This is an interesting article I read with regards to how our brain perceived information. Maybe it's not our fault, after all, but our brain's!…
Note your thoughts and feelings when they arise. Pay attention to those that make you look for a distraction, such as overeating, overspending,…
"You should not be afraid of someone who has a library and reads many books; you should fear someone who has only one book; and he considers it…
What?! Adversity? Our teacher? No way.
While it feels like a contraction, adversity is very much our teacher. Think about this ... what…
Narcissistic personality disorder is one of the most difficult disorders there is to deal with.
Living with a narcissist is like living in…
Conversations with people are inevitable. That is unless you live off the grid, in the middle of the woods somewhere. But most of us don't. We…
Losing a loved one is never easy. In fact, it can be right down devastating. So, if someone you know has lost a special person, what do you say?…
Being in the middle of an argument and maintaining your cool isn't always easy. If fact, when something triggers us, we can go from being a pretty…
Are you a chaser? Not a chaser of goals and dreams, but a chaser of people?
I want to take this time to remind you that you are unique and…
In the Netflix movie, Work It, senior high schooler Quinn, is obsessed. Obsessed with attending Duke University! There is no other option. Period…
We often recognize an insult when we hear it, right? When they are blatant, yes we do. For example, someone says, "You're a terrible singer. Don't…
Recently, I watched a movie called Mine on Netflix. The film is about two soldiers on a mission in the desert. A very hot, hot desert where…
By now, unless you're a baby, you've noticed that you never have a day off from your thoughts. They're constant. They literally don't allow you to…
Here's the thing ... Over the years, many clients have shared that their self-esteem is low. Then they ask me, "How can I develop high self-esteem…
All of us have said it,
"I wish that hadn't happened."
"I kick myself for having said that!"
"I regret ever buying into his…
The other day, I watched a movie called Unhinged. It was scary good. And boy, did it teach a good lesson about anger.
Imagine this …
It is with great excitement that I announce the release of my novel, Papi, Por Favor! Now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.…
People need to be right. And this, my friend, is what causes an immense amount of suffering. For both sides of the fence.
Rarely, do people…
Is there something in your life you'd like to change? For most of us, there's usually something with which we are unhappy; something that we'd…
We often go through our days fast and as if by rote. When we do slow down, it's usually because we're not feeling well. Maybe due to an injury,…
Have you ever been around someone who is very anxious or fearful? Perhaps you yourself have had bouts with anxiety. In truth, at one point or…
Whatever we focus on will expand. That can go two ways--toward the positive or the negative.
I have a client who recently got new neighbors…
We all have our share of problems. And we normally consider them a bad thing. But are they always? A problem may be a way of waking us up out of a…
It's the New Year. Hard to believe that 2023 is now gone forever. And what a year it was.
But it's over now. Time now to focus on the new…
Have you ever said those words?
These are dangerous words when it compromises your moral code and integrity.
It might seem easy to…
Do you want to be happy? Do you want to achieve great things? I think most of us would answer yes. Wouldn't you? But many of you are not happy…
How many of you find time for just being? Just being and doing nothing? I know that for me personally, taking time for just being is a struggle…
You would think that most people want free stuff. But no, that's not the case. Instead of the beautiful thoughts that are available to you at any…
There are two words that require more forethought than any other words, and that's "Yes" and "No." These words may seem simple and insignificant,…
We typically believe that our enemies are out there in the world waiting to strike. Be it the checker at the grocery store, a neighbor, a co-…
Have you noticed that in a great number of situations, differences of opinions, or things that tend to surprise you negatively, your tendency is…
You put a lot of credence on your emotions and feelings. You believe that all of your emotions and feelings are based on fact. In truth, most of…
It is quite enticing to believe that if you worry over a situation long enough; that if you put all your time and energy into a certain problem,…
We humans have a habit. A bad habit. And that's thinking. Why do I think it's a bad habit? Because most of our 70,000 thoughts per day aren't…
You're thinking, "Yeah, easier said than done."
And you're probably right. But there are things we can do to create a little happiness in…
There is an African Proverb that goes like this: "Only a fool tests the depth of a river with both feet."
There are consequences for…
Have you ever heard yourself say those words? I think most of us, at one point or another, thought something was unfair and complained about it…
Fear is the source of every problem.
If we can get down to the root of what the fear is, then we can start taking the steps to look at it…
Ever had one of those days? You know . . . a day where everything seems to go wrong. You break the coffee pot, step on a piece of glass while you'…
How many of us go through life thinking about yesterday? Having regrets about things we did, shouldn't have done, or could have done differently?…
Raise your hand if you’re one who often dwells on the past. Okay, then you’re like most people.
Raise your hand if you find yourself often…
Have you ever felt so heated during an argument with a loved one that you’ve said something really mean and hurtful? Then after you said it, you…
But you can’t make it drink!” This popular idiom is about control, and the fact that no one can, or should control another person. A lot of people…
. . . Make lemonade. You’ve all heard the saying. What does it mean? Essentially it means to have an “I can do it,” attitude, an optimistic view…
Who out there over the age of say, 13, hasn’t had their heart broken by someone breaking up with them? I would venture to say, no one. It happens…
When a horse starts his training, he's afraid to pull 25 pounds, when in fact he has the power to pull 9000 pounds. But he doesn't know it. He has…
There’s nothing more annoying than going through a supermarket parking lot. All you want to do is park, go in, get your Rocky Road ice cream, and…
Is there a person in your life in whose presence you're not You? A person in whose presence you have to watch what you say, what you do, what you…
When I was 17, I prayed for Greg Kracy to like me and ask me to the prom. Greg Kracy did neither.
When I was 21 and pregnant with my first…
While talking to my brother some years ago, he shared that November had been quite a trying month of one unfortunate event after another. First, a…
So often we hold onto beliefs based on something we heard as a child, or from something we heard on the news, or even from something someone said…
There are so many that run through your minds, every day--too many too count. A lot of them are negative; so negative in fact, they ruin your day…