Be You!


Don't be afraid to be yourself. Be afraid not to. You don't deserve to be someone else's double!


I see so many young people trying to be something they think will make them popular, and they wind up lost. Not enough likes puts them in a tailspin; it's very sad. Your advice is right on.

Well Street

The comparison game starts in childhood and often tags along into adulthood.

You're right, our uniqueness is meant to be embraced as a pillar of self-esteem.


You're right about the comparisons starting early. At this point, I'm not sure how to stop that. It almost feels too big to change. I suppose we just start with ourselves and model for others. What say you?


People have many facets. Some of those facets put others off and they learn that early in life. And therein lies a dilemma. If they squelch that facet, they can't fully be themselves, and if they don't, they run the risk of alienating others. So, like a potato bug, they curl up and hide. Others try to be like someone else, but never quite pull it off, leaving others with the impression they're being fake. If there's some formula to help people be unabashedly genuine without offending others or sucking the oxygen out of the room (like many do) please share.


I understand your point. It's tricky and you explain why very well. I don't have the exact key yet. If the personality if abrasive and that's how the person is, seems counterintuitive to tell them to be themselves, because yes, they would people off. I believe I'm referring more to regular people, nice people, who are scared to be genuine. The people pleasers, if you will. But your point is well taken.

Wilsons Grave

As humans, we are god's work of art. Some people gonna like you, others don't know what to make of you. But no one should judge you. Nor you judge yourself. God keeps making amazing art. Everyone is beautiful in their own special way.


I like the idea of being God's work of art. Beautifully said.


We may start as god's work of art, but there are a lot of fingers in the paint once you arrive. What was perfect in the beginning winds up being a very abstract piece of art that may be confusing to us.

Serenity Township

Reminds me of Oscar Wilde’s quote. “Be Yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” Great post!
