Sad Day!


I don't know about you all, but this has been an extremely sad and disappointing day for me.

The country is now in the hands of someone whose only interest is himself.

I vowed not to watch any news today, especially after the recent death of one of my best friends, but I accidentally saw something on TikTok while I was making a post. It terrified me. This is what I saw ...
I have to say I am scared. Having left a communist country at the age of eight, and finding refuge here in the U.S., I never thought I'd ever be in a place where I would want to leave again. But here I am, wishing just that.

I am so saddened right now, I have no more words.


I am not sure saddened is strong enough. The damage that will be done in the next four years is scary. I did not watch today but news feeds of what he has already done is dangerous for the US and the rest of the world. It’s a sad sad day


Yes, sad is not strong enough. I don't know that there is anything word for what I feel that is strong enough.


You're not alone. Many are mourning today.



A carton of eggs is still $7, and none of today's executive orders were about lowering your grocery bill. Pre-election, he said it was easy to do. Post-election, he admitted it was too hard to do. But billionaires will have their taxes lowered which will further rob from the public purse and continue to lower our standard of living.

But WE can begin to raise the spirit of this country by ignoring him and turning our other cheek toward those we can help through our good will, insights, and knowledge. Where two or more are gathered much can happen.

Let's share our wishes, our hopes, our needs, and find support in each other. Let's understand that many people will be hurt by his new policies, but here on Youtropolis we can be ready to help, even if only to show solidarity and kindness. So let's find simple ways in which to be the light in this darkness and a shield against the ugliness that will now unfold.


Beautifully said! Thank you!