Civic Center
Swords or Shields!

This is an interesting article I read with regards to how our brain perceived information. Maybe it's not our fault, after all, but our brain's!
I love this woman's positive attitude. Although it's not terrible to have a cute little place in upper Minnesota, her "ready, fire, aim" actions could get her into trouble. Thanks, I liked her story very much.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'd never move to MN though. Brrrr!
Well Street
As a more take-it-slow, risk-averse Shields brain type, I sometimes view the novelty-seeking and adventurous Swords personality as the more desirous.
Reading about Miss Scott's sometimes impulsive decisions and the consequences that resulted is a reminder that the grass isn't always green over there.
Thank you for this interesting article.
I'm with you. I take my time with things. Not too impulsive. I prefer it that way. Not that there's anything with being impulsive now and then, "Hey, let's try that new restaurant down the street ..." type of thing. But bigger decisions, deserve a lot more time in my book.