What the hawks brought


My client, Todd lives on a private road off Sunset Boulevard in Southern California. When pulling onto his road, it’s like entering a forest with countless dozens of tall and mature trees, various plant life, and an occasional deer.

Recently, during an exercise session in Todd’s yard, circling overhead were three large hawks. “In the 40 years I’ve lived here, I’ve never seen three hawks at one time”, Todd said. The workout paused so we could appreciate this rare sight. While watching the majestic birds gliding in their aerial dance, I grew more aware of the sky’s deep blue color, the chirping of other birds, and the sun’s pleasant warmth. Fully present, I felt invigorated and grateful for this gift to my senses and my spirit.

Author Alan Cohen encourages us to “restore color and beauty to our lives” and for me, presence and gratitude are the foundation. Exploring new neighborhoods, eating meals slowly to enhance the flavors and enjoyment, adding classical music to my morning stretch routine, and coloring some designs in my art book are all simple activities that keep me in the moment, heighten my senses, and make me happy.

How about you? Do you inject a little color and beauty into your day-to-day? I’d love to learn what favorite practices, activities, and rituals you can share that help make that happen.


I like having a cup of tea in the afternoon in my backyard. As you mentioned, I notice the color of the sky, what the clouds look like, and all the sounds of nature. I watch the birds in the trees and on the wires and the squirrels running on the phone lines. I'm really present and whatever is going on outside that moment is not at all on my mind. It's all quite magical really.

I need to do that more often. Thanks for reminding me.